Interview with Gareth Edwards

His new movie "Monsters" is making quite a stir.

(if someone else has posted info on him, I apologize)

It's amazing what he shows you can do with an off-the-shelf laptop and Adobe.

Yes, it looks amazing. Here's the trailer.

All special effects were created on his laptop.

Estimated budget for the movie is $500,000. The effects alone make it look like it cost a whole lot more.
Yeah, we had a discussion of it over here:

There used to be a popular rumor (which I fell for) that this was shot on less than $15G. The truthiness of that claim is one of the things we discussed (turns out to be totally false, and the half million Charles mentions is more accurate).

Those of us who've seen it also discussed our opinions on the movie, and the one thing we were absolutely concesus on is that the title is extremely misleading. It's a talky Road Trip movie, with an interesting post-apocolyptic setting, but the viewer will be disappointed if they're expecting the thrills of a Monster Movie.