Interview With Chris Judge gone bad

Just did a really REALLY bad interview with Chris Judge from Stargate SG1 for Hazard Films.

Keep an eye out for it... I am sending it to Kenan tonight and he will edit it for me, think I need him to ask the Q:s and me just stay on the back side of things LOL

Larry King you are not, good sir. :lol:

Going to re-film your opening segment there? It needs a wee bit of energy. (Also helps to have a written scripted monologue)

It gets easier with repetition. :)
roger to that

Zensteve said:
Larry King you are not, good sir. :lol:

Going to re-film your opening segment there? It needs a wee bit of energy. (Also helps to have a written scripted monologue)

It gets easier with repetition. :)

so true helps also when you are not up at 6:30 am and was up tell 3:30 am... was in need of a weee bit Oh sleep