Internet Script / Line Rehearsal Software Idea

I have been working on a software package that I would like to ask you a few questions about, if you have the time.

But first I would like to explain it.

The package would allow people to collaborate over the internet on preparing to make a movie. I would allow people to rehears their lines and record them, storing them on a central server. Actually allowing them to save many copies of each line and mark which one they thought was best.

Scripts would be imported into the system and broken down into lines and scene descriptions and other relevant parts of a screen play. These are displayed for the actor so that they get prompted for the next part to record.
As the line recording progresses the director / producer could check in and play back the parts that have been recorded and provide feed back to the actors via email. The script could then be modified dynamically, and the actors informed of line changes and then they could re-record the needed lines.

When the actor is working on their lines they would be prompted for their line and if the other actor's parts are already recorded they would hear it. The system could then display scene info and set descriptions (if available). If the other actors parts are not available then a machine generated voice could be used.

Storyboards could also be incorporated into the system. These could be stored, retrieved, edited and displayed dynamically, at playback and as a visual tool for the actors.

The main concept is that people can be anywhere a computer with a microphone and a browser could be used . Time and place become a moot point.

Scripts could be downloaded a page at a time or all at once.

Auditions could be done on-line. Incorporating a a camera could be done so that in addition to voice, video footage could captured.

I have sorted out most of the details on how to do it. I believe that I could put a working demo on-line with in a month, and a production version in a few months.
My questions are:

Do you think that this would be helpful?
Do you think that it would help reduce cost?
What features do you think that I should try and incorporate into it?
What features should I not include?
I am thinking that I would charge for the service like web hosting which uses a model where the more data stored the higher fee. Would a flat fee be better?

Dave Waller
Monroe WI USA
As a filmmaker, I don’t know about the practicality of this. First, most lines are recorded on site. There may be some practicality for ADR work, but most people don’t have high end microphones at home and you’ll loose audio quality unless you use very large file size formats with no compression. This may be useful for auditioning, but why not just have a virtual conference? I just met with someone yesterday who auditioned for Cameron Crowe that way and it was very effective. This may be useful for recording audio books, but refer to the first concern. If you’re talking about scriptwriting, you can already collaborate with coauthors online with Final Draft. I just don’t see the practical application for this. I don’t think it fulfills a need. I’d love to hear what others think and how it may be able to help. I like working remote when possible. I’ve done it with writers, editors, musicians, graphic artist, and others, but some stuff you just can’t do remote. Anyway, just my thoughts.
I mostly thought that the idea would help people get the script to a point where the actors could hear each other speaking the lines and get comfortable with the script prior to actually getting togather. Sound quality would deffinatly be horrid and timing would be awful.