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watch Internet Assault Squad

In concept, composition, and editing this was fairly well done.

For your next project - use a tripod whenever you can. There weren't enough moving-camera shots in this to justify 100% hand-held.

Gotta figure out a better audio capture system. A lot of the dialog was muddled.

Darkness: I wouldn't call it 'lighting' so much as either the ISO was too low, the shutter speed was too slow, or the overcast sky was just too thick, but maybe some tinkering in your video editor could adjust what didn't get captured in camera.

Your actors were fine. Congrats on finding some talent.

In concept, composition, and editing this was fairly well done.

For your next project - use a tripod whenever you can. There weren't enough moving-camera shots in this to justify 100% hand-held.

Gotta figure out a better audio capture system. A lot of the dialog was muddled.

Darkness: I wouldn't call it 'lighting' so much as either the ISO was too low, the shutter speed was too slow, or the overcast sky was just too thick, but maybe some tinkering in your video editor could adjust what didn't get captured in camera.

Your actors were fine. Congrats on finding some talent.


I thought the hand-held shake gave it a better feel. I took a fig-rig to the shoot and tried it on the outdoor shots but felt the shake was more fitting to the gritty feel I was after. I completely agree with the sound. I recorded it on an external Marantz with boom pole but my sound lady was working on one of her first projects and did several rookie errors meaning I had to rerecord all the sound afterwards. I wanted the ISO low as to involve depth of field, I think more than anything it's just to do with the bad weather we have over here haha. I really appreciate your feedback :)
I thought it was pretty good. I think ray does have something there with the camera. I agree that a handheld look fit the situation, but there was "jitteryness". As in the camera was shaking along with the ordinary handheld look. You can get around this by making a simple camera rig that the camera operator holds onto. It is still free floating so you get that haldheld look, but takes away the shakiness.

And as for nit-picking, some of the gun handling was... off. As someone who really loves it when a "strike team" in short films like this look professional, the gun handling threw me off a bit. Mostly the way that one actor held the bullpup, like he had the stock resting inside of his armpit and couldn't look down the sights if he wanted to. And maybe work on doorway entries? But like I said, really nit-picking.

Other than that and the muddy sound, it was pretty good.
I thought it was pretty good. I think ray does have something there with the camera. I agree that a handheld look fit the situation, but there was "jitteryness". As in the camera was shaking along with the ordinary handheld look. You can get around this by making a simple camera rig that the camera operator holds onto. It is still free floating so you get that haldheld look, but takes away the shakiness.

And as for nit-picking, some of the gun handling was... off. As someone who really loves it when a "strike team" in short films like this look professional, the gun handling threw me off a bit. Mostly the way that one actor held the bullpup, like he had the stock resting inside of his armpit and couldn't look down the sights if he wanted to. And maybe work on doorway entries? But like I said, really nit-picking.

Other than that and the muddy sound, it was pretty good.

I actually own a camera rig and took it to the shoot but upon doing a trial shoot realised I preferred the shake more as it gives a grittier feel. Yeah I really agree with you on the gun handling. I've posted this in airsoft forums and they aware'd me of how it was. Thanks for the feedback!
I actually own a camera rig and took it to the shoot but upon doing a trial shoot realised I preferred the shake more as it gives a grittier feel. Yeah I really agree with you on the gun handling. I've posted this in airsoft forums and they aware'd me of how it was. Thanks for the feedback!

Well then I guess that's one of the perks to being an artist, you can do whatever you want. :cool: The shaking wasn't video-breaking, so no major harm done to the video.

And no problem. Look forward to future work.