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Interested in a Script

A. Tell us what you want.
B. Tell us what you can do.

If you can answer those then I'm wrong, but not sarcastic in this case.
If you continue to be evasive then I'm right = no sarcasm, just understanding.

And I don't think your current evasiveness justifies IT members being ugly to you and I will defend your position.
I want a solid script. I want a thriller/action/heist! Anything that gets the audience on the edge of their seats for 35 to 40 min. I can put that script onto big screen. Thats what I can do. I have people that I worked with in the past you have been doing this stuff for a combined mayve 50 years PLUS! I can take that script and make it a good quality film that audience will enjoy! Now anything else you wanna know?
If the script included, say, a car crash, would it fit your budget?

You haven't really specified the amount of money. That would give a good idea as to what script we could offer you.
I would say my budget would be 1000-2000. It depends on the script though. If it includes like you said a car crash then yea my bidget would go up more.
A thirty minute thriller/action/heist on a $1-2k budget is going to be tricky.

What would you like to see that money spent on that the audience can see on screen?

Do you have some locations in mind?
City, urban, suburbs, rural?
Vehicles available?
Three primary actors + supporting actors/bit parts sound about right?
Genders available?
Do you want to use guns and such, or go low-impact?
Do you want police cars and uniformed officers or guards involved? (Costume + prop expenses)
City location would be a good fit for a heist. Vechicals would be no problem. Family and friends could let me use there cars especially my family. I would say 3 to 4 main characters for a heist. All of them would be men. I would use guns but not use them that much. For police. I could see if any off duty cops would like to be in the backround and see if they can use a couple of police cars. And maybe hire a actor to play the main police officer with a speaking line. I was thinking a casino heist but that has been done a lot. Maybe like a bank?
These aren't loglines but will give you a rough idea...

A New Life- WWII German fighter pilot crashes and spends his final few moments on earth with an English couple.

In Cold Fields- A traveller community and the owners of the land they're settling on experience a creepy friction.

Untitled Action Series Pilot- This was a webseries pilot I wrote but I guess it could be self contained. Just some gun play and dialogue.

The Joy- Based on a story by Cracker Funk, two aliens are scouting Earth before they plan to destroy it but have second thoughts when they encounter...love.

Rover- Written as part of a larger Organ Lottery project, Samson is a man waiting so see whether he'll be one of the people who win a vital organ as part of a new TV show...
Im a little confused about "In Colds Field".

I'm an ambiguous screenwriter at the best of times and this is my most ambiguous short screenplay.

The interpretation of events would be very much up to the director. As Ray notes, it's possibly more of a UK phenomenon (and Europe) but if you can image a group of people setting up tents and caravans on your land and then being almost impossible to legally evict, that's the set up.
Thought I try one more time. Still looking for some short scripts. People have said that there are tons over the internet. But where do I look? Websites?