InfoDoc Film - Film Makers: The Story Behind the Stories...

Film Makers: The Story Behind the Stories...
A look at the practices, preferences and pathological love or loathing for film making techniques, hardware, software and formats that drive film-making on the large and small scale

I need some help from you lovely people. I'm doing an InfoDoc film on film-making techniques and people's preferences on current hardware and software solutions, as well as what people want to experience in the future.

If you're so inclined I'd like you to reply to this answering the following questions:
  • Preferred Camera Rig (e.g. HDSLR/DSLR, Prosumer HDV
  • Preferred Recording Format (e.g. Flash Memory, HDV, DV)
  • Preferred Editing Software or Suite (e.g. FCP, Premiere Pro, Avid)
  • Preferred Audio Capture Hardware (e.g. Rode NTG-1, Sennheiser MK-100)
  • Preferred Audio Editing Software (e.g. ProTools, Soundtrack Pro, Soundbooth)
  • What I Want in the Future

Any responses will be really appreciated. If you want to post a video response, images or clips that demonstrate what you do with your personal equipment, even better.

You'll be fully credited and featured in the final video.

Many thanks, and can't wait for the responses.