Indo Journey

I leave in 3 weeks for my first of many month long journey's around Indonesia. This is not really a dedicated question, more an overview of what is happening. Maybe a few of you are interested and hopefully can offer some advice on the trip as i'm throwing myself straight into the deep end. I am shooting a film that will involve a lot of time lapse and video (i can't give away too much info yet sorry). I plan on travelling to most parts of Indo to complete this film. After months of preparing and spending tons of money i wanna make sure i get it right. My last visit there i spent 3 hours in customs arguing trying to get my cameras through(wasn't aware permits were needed to film in Indonesia) and was forced to leave them in the airport locker room for the entire trip. Luckily they were still there at the end of the trip. (stupidity on my part for not researching better) Anyway my Journalistic Visa has been approved for this trip and i'm ready to go.
I will shoot most of this film myself but plan on bringing in some pro cinematographers, time lapsers and sound mixers at a later stage if need be.
My gear at the moment includes:
2 5dII Bodies, Canon 24mm 1.4, 50mm 1.2, 85mm 1.2 & 15mm fisheye. Kessler cineslider, 2 manfrotto & 1 Sachtler tripod systems, Milapse head, Redrock cinema bundle, monitor, filters, lights, heaps of batteries and cards, intervalometers, laptop, external hard drive, pelican cases, expodisc, little bramper, and heaps of bits and pieces. Definitely burnt a nice hole in my pocket.
I have a local film crew over there who will be joining me for the journey around the Island and will arrange all necessary permits to shoot sacred temples and what not.
We will be trekking up steep volcanoes, hiking through dense jungles and visiting places many tourists don't visit.
I've bought hiking shoes, head lamps, wet weather gear, first aid kit (after last visit crashed a scooter and had a toe amputated i thought it might come in handy), malaria tablets, photography vest and a bumbag. Yes a bumbag, very gay but so handy. I've even been learning to speak Indo.
I have read many posts and forums learning about time lapse and shooting hd and been practising for around 9 months now. I have a lot to learn (especially in post) but i'm hoping to find someone in Sydney when i return who can get involved in this. Hopefully with my basic knowledge of shooting i should be able to pull off some nice stuff.
So what am i missing? Is there anything you film makers won't leave home without? Anyone ever travelled through Indo and know some must shoot places? Anyone living or holidaying in Indo who wants to come help out and get involved in this film? Anyone done any similar trips to this? Anyone shot at temples or sacred places?
Any and all comments are welcome here. Sorry for crapping on, actually no i'm not, no one forced you to read it.. :)

Thanks in advance
