Sorry, I'm going a little off topic here but from a professional point of view I find the lists posted fascinating. So few here on IT seem to have even a basic grasp of what sound design is and yet virtually everyone who has contributed to this thread so far appears to have a great appreciation for sound design but doesn't seem to realise it! While I would hope for this to be the case with general public audiences, due to the very nature of sound design, I find it fascinating (and rather troubling!) that it also appears to be the case amongst actual indie film makers/aspiring film makers!
Below I've posted a list, not of my favourite films (sorry for being off topic) but of directors and films which are the most outstanding/influential examples of sound design. This is not intended to be a list of good or great films/filmmakers, just a list of films/filmmakers particularly notable ONLY in terms of sound design. In no particular order.
1. Orson Wells - Moved sound design on a step, probably due to coming from the world of radio. Citizen Kane was a defining milestone of sound design.
2. Hitchock - Most of his films were at the cutting edge of sound design and moved the craft forward, Psycho particularly.
3. Kubrik - Again, all his films moved the art of sound design forward. The Shining and Clockwork Orange are of particular note and 2001: A Space Odyssey is a defining milestone of sound design.
4. Spielberg - Is almost unique because virtually every single film he's made has world leading sound design and each deserves individual mention but if I had to narrow the list down it would be: Jaws, Raiders of the Lost Ark and Last Crusade, Jurassic Park and Saving Private Ryan. Oh and Empire of the Sun, Close Encounters and Shindler's List and ....
5. Francis Ford Coppola - A master in the use of sound! The Godfather is a defining example of sound design and Apocalypse Now is one of the two or three most important films ever made as far as sound design is concerned.
6. Sergio Leone - Defined sound design before the term "sound design" was even invented, very few filmmakers have contributed more to the art of sound design and all his films are excellent in this respect but The Good, The Bad and The Ugly deserves special mention and Once Upon a Time in the West was a defining milestone of sound design.
7. George Lucas - Star Wars IV (A New Hope) was another of the two or three most important films ever made as far as sound design is concerned.
8. Ridley Scott - Particularly influential for the world of sound design are Bladerunner and Alien but Gladiator is worth a mention.
9. James Cameron - Always pays extra special attention to sound, which is not surprising seeing as he is a sound editor! Of particular sound design note are: Aliens, Terminator 2 and Titanic.
10. Robert Zemekis - Always great sound design but his most outstanding films in this regard are Back to the Future, Forrest Gump and Castaway.
These others are also not in any order and some of them should arguably be in the top ten, not to mention them at all would be a travesty of sound design history!:
11. David Lean - Lawrence of Arabia.
12. David Lynch - Again hardly a surprise as he is a sound designer and re-recording mixer! Eraserhead and Elephant Man, Blue Velvet and Inland Empire need to be mentioned.
13. Martin Scorsese - Many of his films have outstanding sound design but Raging Bull is of particular sound design note.
14. Peter Jackson - Return of the King and King Kong are particularly outstanding from a sound design point of view.
15. Carrol Ballard - Never Cry Wolf.
16. Wachowski Bros - The Matrix.
17. Fred Wilcox - Forbidden Planet.
18. Peter Weir - Gallipoli is worth a mention and Master & Commander is a milestone of sound design.
19. Oliver Stone - is another whose films are always superbly well sound designed, Platoon, JFK and Any Given Sunday are the pick of the bunch.
20. Kevin Costner - Dances with Wolves.
21. Michael Mann - Last of the Mohicans.
22. Jonathan Demme - Silence of the Lambs.
There are quite a few which I haven't listed but should have and for which I'll kick myself later! Just so I don't kick myself too many times: Unforgiven, Wall-E, Shawshank Redemption, Casino Royale, Hugo, The Deer Hunter, Solaris, The Fugitive, U-571, The Bourne Ultimatum, Inception...
Anyone notice any correlations here?