archived-videos IndieTalk Halloween Horror Fest

Guys and Gals, since tomorrow is the night that I return to my home planet after I destroy your piddly little existence, I wanted to give you a little treat of some frightening horror shorts from the Indie Talk archives to view before I lay my trick on you by blasting you with my ray gun.

Enjoy ....

Horrors of War


The Arcane Man

Vanity Mirror

Dark Deception

Funniest Cult Videos


Curse of the Invisible Man

A Slave's Rebellion

At Confession

If you're horror short was left off the list, I'm sorry ... I may be an extremely intellegent sentient being from Zarlac but I'm only human ... feel free to add it though.

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Here is a contribution of mine, from several years ago.

30-ish MB, Mpeg-1

(Can't find the polished version, in archives... but you get the idea)

A tribute to Romero's "Dawn of the Dead", with soundtrack & samplings from "Dawn" & "Night" by Stiiv.


Trying to find "Meet The Creeper", my love-fest of Rob Zombie and 5 classic silent-era horror films. No luck so far.
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