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Indiegogo for Indie Slasher/mystery

Studio 605 is now raising funds for their next feature film The Woods Within.

Synopsis- Eight high school teenagers go to the woods to have a party before graduation. They have one hell of a great time until one of their own is found dead the next morning. Tempers flare and fingers are pointed as no one is sure who to blame. It quickly escalates into a race for their lives as danger is everywhere in the woods within.

If your a fan of Scream, Wrong Turn 1&2, or Clue then you will love The Woods Within! Show your support today and select the perk that fits you best!

At least take a moment to view our campaign video on the page.



Urgghhh... Flexible Funding.

This puts me off instantly. If I contribute $25, I'm supposed to get a DVD of the movie. But what if you only get $4000 of contributions? You can't make the film, I don't get my DVD. Or even if you can make the movie for $4k, it won't be of the quality I was expecting when I contributed my $25.

Plus, I notice you've listed a lot of gear you plan to buy. That normally doesn't sit well with potential contributors. It's cheaper to rent, so that's what you should be doing.

On the plus side, I liked the video. It's the sort of thing I enjoy seeing on crowdfunding campaigns. I also like that you're offering your previous film as a perk. That's cool.

Best of luck!
Right off the bat, I'm not liking it. The video is just talking... and more talking... and more talking. Perhaps if you shot a scene or fake trailer to give people an idea of what the film is like. And if you don't, then make it upbeat. The video feels slow, and just sorta drags. Your introduction to Studio 605 needs to be shorter, giving a quicker description of what you do, and perhaps putting it at the end then at the beginning. I'm sure you could lower the cost for your campaign as well as get people to be more convinced to invest if you rent instead, as mad-hatter mentioned. A pie graph might help as well.

Good luck with the film Chris! :cool:
Urgghhh... Flexible Funding.

This puts me off instantly. If I contribute $25, I'm supposed to get a DVD of the movie. But what if you only get $4000 of contributions? You can't make the film, I don't get my DVD. Or even if you can make the movie for $4k, it won't be of the quality I was expecting when I contributed my $25.

Plus, I notice you've listed a lot of gear you plan to buy. That normally doesn't sit well with potential contributors. It's cheaper to rent, so that's what you should be doing.

On the plus side, I liked the video. It's the sort of thing I enjoy seeing on crowdfunding campaigns. I also like that you're offering your previous film as a perk. That's cool.

Best of luck!

Well We will make the film regardless. Theirs no reason to think we won't. My last film was asking for $3,000 to be made and only raised $1,000. We streched every dollar and we spent money we didn't have but it was made. We are WAY to passionate about filmmaking to quit cuz of funds. The funds are from everything from Production-Post. The film can made made Perfect for $6,000 so if 4 is raised we can still do it just things will lack like FX. A big chuck is to insure Lodging for cast and crew and food along with paying the talent. The film will be worth the quality. We are filming on the Blackmagic Cinema Camera and will have great clean audio. We have some gear from the past projects but are looking to get gear that will last us so we NEVER have to use IGG again. we HATE crowd funding and are hoping to be able to stop asking at least for awhile with this gear. This is the big reason we are buying the gear and not renting so we don't have to ask for money again and instead can just pump out films for the fans we already have.
We have some gear from the past projects but are looking to get gear that will last us so we NEVER have to use IGG again. we HATE crowd funding and are hoping to be able to stop asking at least for awhile with this gear. This is the big reason we are buying the gear and not renting so we don't have to ask for money again and instead can just pump out films for the fans we already have.

While the overt and tangible benefits of crowd funding is cash to complete a project perhaps the greater benefits are the opportunities to cultivate, galvanize, and actively engage a fan base.

It's the difference between looking at a female as vagina support equipment or as a person to share your time with.

Love and care for your donors.
They should be worth the effort they require.
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Well We will make the film regardless. Theirs no reason to think we won't.
Okay, sell me:

I'm interested in donating $300 to a $10,000 film – 3% of the
budget. I am not interested in donating 5% of a $4,000 film or
7.5% of a $4,000 film.

Since I'm not a fan I have no interest in contributing to your
equipment purchases so you can pump out films for your fans.

What is in it for someone like me?
Okay, sell me:

Since I'm not a fan I have no interest in contributing to your
equipment purchases so you can pump out films for your fans.

What is in it for someone like me?

We are not only just buying equipment. We are hiring a makeup FX artist (the very same that is in charge of the Kings island halloween haunt makeup) We are paying our talent along with paying for their lodging and food for everyone on set. We also are using a good portion of this for post.

Whats in it for someone like you thats not a fan? 1st off we would hope to impress you and gain you as a fan and enjoy our work. 2nd you are helping not only by helping a film come to life but giving our company and our personal dreams come true in this filmmaking world. 3rd We will get to bring an ORIGINAL film to screen and the film fest circuit. Our film has its roots in the slasher horror genre but we've worked very hard on the script to set it apart from others. It is with your support and others that we can bring that to screen and show everyone the awesome vision we have for this film.
I understand that all the ten large isntt going to equipment purchase
– but a lot of it is. Something I have no interest in funding your
personal film equipment.

Creatively it all sounds great. I want to see an “ORIGINAL” horror film.
As a producer, a director and a reader I hear that all the time. I'm not
saying you don't fully believe it or that you aren't going to pull it off.
But it's a very standard claim. Please don't be offended, but I don't
know you – your dreams in this filmmaking world are no different than
50 people I know personally and another 50 I “know” on line. So your
selling points aren't working for me.

I don't want to donate $300 to a movie made for $4,000. If you're
raising and spending four large I can't see donating 3% ($120). My
threshold – a complete stranger – is 3% of your budget. That's why
I don't like IGG. I can't see myself donating $300 to a $4,000 movie.

What if you only raise $2,000? Can you make this film for two large?
And if I donate 15% of the total budget shouldn't I get all the perks of
the perks of “The Producer Package Plus!” which is only 10% of the budget?
I want to see an “ORIGINAL” horror film... your dreams in this filmmaking world are no different than
50 people I know personally and another 50 I “know” on line. So your
selling points aren't working for me.

I understand everyone throws that word around and thats why its such hard thing to tell to strangers.

What if you only raise $2,000? Can you make this film for two large?

Yes we will make this film for 2k. Like i said we will just cut cost on certain things Makeup FX being the 1st. The order we are paying for things is Portable Bathroom (since we are filming in middle of no where) Lodging, Food, Gear, makeup. We don't want this film to lack on any level and thats why we are trying very hard for the 10,000 or at least 6. We will sell are old gear to raise the extra funds and like i said spend money we don't have in hopes of making it back on DVD sales this fall.

And if I donate 15% of the total budget shouldn't I get all the perks of
the perks of “The Producer Package Plus!” which is only 10% of the budget?

Anything donated of 1,000 or more will receive all perks.
What if you only raise $2,000? Can you make this film for two large?
And if I donate 15% of the total budget shouldn't I get all the perks of
the perks of “The Producer Package Plus!” which is only 10% of the budget?

That’s actually a great point. I’ve never thought of it that way before. RoJo, I don’t think you quite got what Rik was getting at…

Anything donated of 1,000 or more will receive all perks.

Forget the monetary value for a moment and think of it as a percentage. You value your “Producer Package Plus” at 10% of your total goal ($1000). But if your budget suddenly drops to $2000 and Rik has already pledged £300, he’s actually already contributed 15% of the budget. He should now be considered a Producer…

That’s why “Flexible Funding” doesn’t work. It’s actually unfair on those who contribute. Obviously a film made for $2000 won’t have the same quality level as a movie made for $10,000 (although, admittedly, the difference may be negligible), but I may have paid $25 for a film of a higher quality level. Now, because you failed to reach your goal, I have to settle for a film of a lower quality, which I may well only want to pay $10. I’d have no choice now, I’m stuck with it.

Fixed Funding is much fairer; I offer to buy what I want, when you reach your goal, I receive my goods. If you don’t reach your goal, I don’t lose any money, nor am I stuck with an inferior product to that which I thought I was buying.

Why not try Fixed Funding at $10,000, then, should you not reach your goal, re-evaluate and come back with a goal of $5,000? Still no good? Come back with $2,000. At least that way everybody knows where they stand.
Why not try Fixed Funding at $10,000, then, should you not reach your goal, re-evaluate and come back with a goal of $5,000? Still no good? Come back with $2,000. At least that way everybody knows where they stand.

I get what Kik was meaning now thank you for that breakdown.. We don't have enough time to just keep trying campaigns until 1 works. We are very confident in ourselves and the people we work with that we know this film will be nothing short of great. We understand and I understand telling strangers that really does nothing but all i can say is to take a leap of faith and trust us with your funds. We would not make something we wouldn't buy ourselves.
We are hiring a makeup FX artist (the very same that is in charge of the Kings island halloween haunt makeup)
Is that impressive? Forgive me, I know it's probably intended to be impressive but I've no idea what this Kings island halloween haunt is, for all I know it could be a mom & pop attraction, and hell.. I have been a makeup FX artist at a couple of those.. and I'm not a good makeup artist... :lol:

We don't have enough time
Rushing a product to market usually doesn't end well.. And that kind of statement really doesn't instill confidence, are you working on some arbitrary timeline just because, or is there a real legitimate reason this this has to be made fast for whatever pittance you are able to raise in your campaign, even if it's only a fraction of the budget you figure it will cost?

The other question that is always first in my mind, how much skin do you have in the game? What portion of your films budget is coming out of your pocket? I know many people disagree with my view on this, but I think it's a legitimate question, if you're looking for other people to put up cash, but haven't put any up of your own that sounds like either you don't believe in the work, or are just out to make a buck, get a free ride, etc. This is the single biggest issue I have with crowd funding. 9 times out of 10 people come across as looking for a handout. In other words... I buy my own gear, why should I buy yours too?
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Anything donated of 1,000 or more will receive all perks.
Not what I asked. The $1,000 is 10% of your budget. If I donate
$300 and you only raise $2,000 and you make the film that means
I am donating 15% of the budget. Yet I won't get perks reflecting
a donation of 15% of your total budget. mad_hatter is correct.

We would not make something we wouldn't buy ourselves.
But you might make something I would not buy. Again, not a good
selling point. It's a given that you know it's going to be a great move
and that making it will help your personal dreams come true in this
filmmaking world but you haven't told me anything that will make it
worthwhile for me to part with my $300.

RoJo, I thank you for indulging my questions. I wish you the best of
luck. I can see donating $300 to a $10,000 project. I'm just not
interested in donating 15% of $2,000 film or 7.5% of a $4,000 film
or 5% of a $6,000 film. Not when the perks don't reflect my donation.