Independent Filmmaking book

Just realized I have a good book on cinematography and lighting, but no book on indy filmmaking in general. Any suggestions or must haves? thanks.
I'd second the recommendation for the DV Rebel's Guide, it's a fantastic book, especially if you're making any kind of action film. I also like the Sound Effects Bible, of which I managed to get a free copy from Røde. It's a great primer to sound design and recording your own sound effects.
I've read many of the books quoted above and they've all helped me a lot. However I only borrowed most of them from the library and I suggest purchasing them to be a better idea.

Oooo one I hadn't heard of. Just ordered a copy from Amazon. Also snagged a copy of The Foley Grail, which the author of the Sound Effects Bible recommends.

So, while we're on the topic of audio, here's a few good books in that arena:

Producing Great Sound for Film & Video
Audio Postproduction for Film & Video
Dialog Editing for Motion Pictures
Sound Design: The Expressive Power of Music, Voice and Sound Effects in Cinema
Not taken as seriously as it should be, but Lloyd Kaufman' "Make your own damn movie" should be the first book any new/inexperienced film maker reads. It has great advice for things like "What do I do when the DP quits the second day of shooting", "What do I do when my script supervisor is totally incompetent", "How do I avoid getting someone killed", ""What do I do when the girl who said she's take her clothes off for $100 suddenly wants $500 on the day we're supposed to shoot the scene", etc...
If I may, I'd like to put in a shameless plug for my friend Kelley's book, The Angry Filmmaker Survival Guide. If you want to hear about indie filmmaking from a guy who's been doing it for decades, who travels around the country (with his dog) screening his films and hosting seminars, and who has done sound design for several of Gus Van Sant's movies, this is the book for you.

He's got it on sale for 20% off right now at his web site:

Also available on Amazon here: