
Flicks on the SPOT
Offering novelty to the independent film community, Spot Flix is the first organization of its kind to simultaneously present instant access to an international array of previously unseen films, provide a filmmaker's forum for networking opportunities, enlighten with continuous industry and festival news flow, and materialize a platform to showcase the projects and production companies of a world wide independent film community.
A groundbreaking opportunity to rent films on-line, throughout the world, with DRM protection technology for a 24 hour period within Windows environment.
Share exclusive video news of your innovative ventures. What's hot? What's happening? Be creative! SPOTFLIX does not entertain any video news previously broadcasted on other channels. The SPOTFLIX editing team will try to only approve appropriate news useful to the independent film community.
Get your technical/ non-technical questions answered within the SPOTFLIX community Q&A forum.
Opportunities abound! FILMMAKERS: SPOTFLIX offers a new way to raise financing for your projects at various stages of production through our network of independent film financiers. SPOTFLIX encourages filmmakers to use concept art/ concept trailers in order to help financiers gain a better understanding of your creative vision.
Create and broadcast your video resume to the independent filmmaking community.
Build your network here! Post your listings, detailing your requirements within the SPOTFLIX community.
FILMMAKERS: share your acumen! We are seeking innovative footage into camera techniques, light, sound and production design, editing, and other facets of your approach to independent filmmaking.
Revolutionizing the way we access film festival events, Spotflix offers a showcase within which to network with the community through the national festival circuit, bringing you news, updated trailers, selected and awarded films at the click of a button. FESTIVAL ORGANIZERS: Spotflix invites you to join our showcase in order to herald your initiatives to the independent film community.
To be included in our free national filmmaker directory please post a brief though professional company profile highlighting your projects. Profiles should be objective, simple, and comprehensive. Your posting will be available to our entire network, a vast independent filmmaking community.