i'm not sure where to post this but i have some questions.

Hey guys, my name is austin shelton.
I make short films and more.
I was in need of a Dslr shoulder rig.
So i decided to make one instead. here is what i have so far. It works to eliminate that shaky hand held footage but it seems like its not working like the others i'v seen made before. This one is completely original in design and is made of two spare tripods i had laying around. The counter weights are made of 3 water bottles and the rest is just black tape and foam padding.



Any thoughts to improve the design and maybe the functionality of this?
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Is any of that tape structural or just for making the grip more comfortable? Because if tape is all that's holding it together, you're gonna have a bad time.
i just took it all apart because i intend to spray paint it and make it look nicer but before i even do that i need to make sure the design i made is balanced and steady.