I'm Nosey!

on Nov. 18th ...

Zensteve said:
... I'm going to be very hit & miss on the boards for the next few days.

I think he had to go back to New Zealand to save his mate Peter's current film. Something about a monkey ...

on Nov. 18th ...

Originally Posted by Zensteve
... I'm going to be very hit & miss on the boards for the next few days.

But...this is Dec 5... I need a fix!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :weird:
"a 'few' days" is an indefinite amount of days. We just have to face the possibility that Zensteve was sucked into a swirling time vortex of terror, thus stretching a few days into forever!!!

that Zensteve was sucked into a swirling time vortex of terror, thus stretching a few days into forever!!!

Well, somebody's gonna have to go in there and get him. NOW, GET ME THE REALLY LONG ROPE...AND THE GOOD WHISTLE (it's dark in there :scared: )
This is weird. Hope these guys are alright. If not, I think it's time to make another "Blair Witch" movie. :P But in all seriousness, I hope they are ok.
bird16 said:
Well, somebody's gonna have to go in there and get him.

"Help me tie this around my waist. "

"What do you think you're doing?"

"I'm going in after [him]."

"[He] won't come to you. Let me go."

"You've never done this before!"

"Neither have you!"

"You're right. You go!"

Poke said:
"a 'few' days" is an indefinite amount of days. We just have to face the possibility that Zensteve was sucked into a swirling time vortex of terror, thus stretching a few days into forever!!!


Then again...maybe not.
...but where did ZenSteve, Bad Haircut, and Mr (Miss) Blonde go?
i'm right here :D hello all, sorry it's been a while, but i recently graduated and then everything just got kinda crazy and hectic, but i'm back now, i was missing this place like crazy. i am now working to get closer to my career choice, animations. so during my summer break i'm working like crazy to develop my skills, and hope it all pays off in the future. i'm even working on my very own comic :D.
well i will be sure to keep visiting place, glad to be back
buh bye
There you are!!! Glad to see you back, bad haircut. You're going into animation? Now that's very cool!!!!

Please keep us posted and come back more often so we don't get worried!!!!!:)