I'm new to film but not new to writing the script

I have two horror/suspense scripts right now. One film is being made. The other is on hold until we can find investors to foot the largest part of the bills. Because we are but lowly musician/film makers located in Ohio. In fact, my name is Justin and these are my facebook pages. I own this company. It's relatively new and has been focused on the music scene in Columbus, Ohio (see the "Slitherbang Music Promotions" link on the page link below). Now we're working on the film department of our company...


This is a link to our next show on May 14th. Mobile Deathcamp's guitar player/singer is also the base player from GWAR in his other band from 2003 to 2008.


This is a Youtube compilation for the same show.


I've dipped and dabbled in film but could never get the right people together for it. All That's ever around are just your basic everyday friends, whom of course can't act without looking phony. We're making an attempt to put a very simple horror film together. Not your basic slasher film either. If you've seen Deliverance the props and wardrobe are the same thing. Camping gear minus the canoes on location in the hills. So production for this first one will be very low! It's our first time so we hope it works out!