I'm getting stupid :(

With the technology in hand, I've realized I've lost my ability to do things with my brain that I used to be able to do, I think I've becomed too dependent to the technology to save my ass...

How many of you can still do complicated math problems within a stressed environemnt? I used to be able to, but now I ran for the calculator...
I wouldn't worry about it too much Clive. It's been said that Einstein, when asked for his phone number, picked up a directory to look it up. Didn't like to clutter up his mind with useless information. ;) Of course the veracity is up for grabs!
My brain... On estrogen

Personally, I stopped being able to handle nearly all "higher functions" of the brain about the time I gave birth. "Mommy Brain" is not a myth. At birth + 9 years, I still feel that the brain is just not where it used to be, but that could just be early menopause.:redgrin:
In addition to not being able to do math, I found out I forgot about how to use a light meter because I've been shooting digital videos and never thought the need for a light meter.

I've forgotten how to write, because of the chat we've been involved, we just use thise short forms of writing: brb - be right back, LOL - laugh out loud, R = are, U = You, TTYL = talk to you later, etc...

recently tried those only iq test game, gosh, I can't even have more than 40% right anymore...
While I had my palm pilot (it passed away recently) I have developed some difficulties writing cursively. Damn backward single-stroke letters...
knightly said:
I firmly believe that storage in the human brain is finite...we have to remove information to store new stuff.

...so, what you're saying is: we have to clear out the hard drive before we can install new programs? Just how many Ghz of internal hard drive does a human brain store anyway? Does an iPod count as an external? :D

--spinner :cool:
spinner said:
Just how many Ghz of internal hard drive does a human brain store anyway? Does an iPod count as an external? :D

--spinner :cool:
Hehe....you mean GBs!
I think someone is already running out of space! :D
Lilith said:
Personally, I stopped being able to handle nearly all "higher functions" of the brain about the time I gave birth. "Mommy Brain" is not a myth. At birth + 9 years, I still feel that the brain is just not where it used to be, but that could just be early menopause.:redgrin:

I wonder if braincells are damaged during child birth. my wife forgets alot of stuff now. At first i figured it was she is now preoccupied with our children. But I really believe something traumatic happens to the woman during child birth.


you look way to young to have gone through menopause.
King, that photo is not me. That's a still from my upcoming short, "Rubble". The actress is Brandy Seymour- she is 27 I think. I however am 41, and definitely dealing with hormonal malfunctions. :) The brain seems to be doing well today though.