I'm getting screened!!!

Hey, you guys!

My documentary short is getting screened!! Woohoo! :woohoo:

The Riverside Saginaw Film Festival has accepted my doc, TENSION HEAD, into their film festival!

There is a contest for short films that got in, but you know, I am just glad to be screened!

Guess who else is getting screened? Media Hero hasn't been around much lately, but her Shooters: Get The Picture is getting screened there as well, so Yay! for the both of us!

The festival is June 25 thru the 29, here's the link: http://riversidesaginawfilmfestival.org/index.html

I will let you know how everything goes!

-- spinner :cool:
Hey, you guys!

My documentary short is getting screened!! Woohoo! :woohoo:

The Riverside Saginaw Film Festival has accepted my doc, TENSION HEAD, into their film festival!

There is a contest for short films that got in, but you know, I am just glad to be screened!

Guess who else is getting screened? Media Hero hasn't been around much lately, but her Shooters: Get The Picture is getting screened there as well, so Yay! for the both of us!

The festival is June 25 thru the 29, here's the link: http://riversidesaginawfilmfestival.org/index.html

I will let you know how everything goes!

-- spinner :cool:

Congrats Spinner!
Don't forget to buy a popcorn to eat while you're watching your film on the big screen. It's really a wonderful feeling :)
Sorry to take so long to get back!

Michigan has had tornado and thunderstorm watches and warnings all day today. I lost power after all the bad weather was over :rolleyes:

Thanks for all the congrats and I will make it a point to fill you in on everything. I hope it is received well too! It couldn't hurt to have some more bands see it!

-- spinner :cool:
The Riverside Saginaw Film Festival ended last night and was a really nice run. The festival ran from Wednesday June 25 to Sunday June 29, with the announcement of the results of the short film contest.

Guess Who won the Jury Selection for Best Documentary Film!

Me! That's who!
(even blogged it, so there's a new blog on IT!) There weren't that many docs, but I'm happy anyway!

-- spinner :cool:
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Cool! Yeah, it's always a good feeling to win.
The Riverside Saginaw Film Festival ended last night and was a really nice run. The festival ran from Wednesday June 25 to Sunday June 29, with the announcement of the results of the short film contest.

Guess Who won the Jury Selection for Best Documentary Film!

Me! That's who!
(even blogged it, so there's a new blog on IT!) There weren't that many docs, but I'm happy anyway!

-- spinner :cool:

Congratulations! (Insert Lewis's best line from Office Space here)
When will it be out?