I'm back!

Loud Orange Cat

Pro Member
It's been six very long months since my last production. Even though I'm still in therapy for my cancer (and it still won't go away after a year), I'm strong enough to attempt to make another video.

Sure, I've dropped 70 pounds. Yeah, I'm still weak and have pain. So what? There's NO cancer in the world that's going to take the passion of film away from me. I'm tired of sitting in my leather recliner reading books, too weak to get up and get my painkillers or yell at the cat to stop scratching something he shouldn't.

I'm a filmmaker, dammit. This is my passion. This is my reason to live. Okay, maybe I'm not very good at it, but it's why I get up in the morning.

I'm going to start shooting this week sometime (as soon as I say the script is gold). I think you'll like my NEW SERIES that's planned.

Epic, baby. Epic.
We're ready when you are, Rob! Take care of yourself -- and make the movie. I can't wait to see what you have planned next.
I have friends going through what you're going through. It's not easy to watch so I can't even begin to imagine what it's like to actually experience it. Two of my friends are already on the road to full recovery. Technology these days is amazing. I hope you make a full recovery. There's a reason you are here on this Earth and that your passion is film. Even if it's just a statement about your cat and the fact that you can touch the lives of others with your vision and antics, you have a purpose. We all have a purpose. At least that's what I believe. I am only just beginning to discover my purpose, what is supposed to be my life's work, and mine also involves a camera. Never lose sight of your dreams.


I only wish that I could feel as passionate about ANYTHING as you do for film. There are many thing I veyr much enjoy, film being one of the ones higher on the list, but reading about your passion and conviction is inspiring.

Huzzah, and good luck!
Thanks for the well wishes!

There's no reason for me to just sit around anymore. The passion I have for filmmaking is like a fire that burns hotter everyday. Why not break out the marshmallows?

Heck, I'll even take Indie up on his offer for a Maniacal Plan sync license if it's still available. :D Um... is it? :huh:
I can't wait, Rob!
You make me get all pumped about this stuff.
You'll find the strength man- just will it with your mind, and your passion will unleash a big wad of energy, which will be purple in color, and have silly gnomes dancing inside. This is as far as I've gotten myself, but I'm working on a way to get the purple Gnomes to relate to filmmaking somehow, except I've gone so far off the tracks I can't even tell you how much power passion can bring. And you got it, dood- you gots yourself a big wad of passion, and some gnomes, and you have the power to use it!
MM, there ain't nothing like a nonsensical rant. Keep it real, cat- don't ever give up on nothing.
You should give up on the mushrooms.
Hunter S. Thompson didn't.


:lol: :lol: :lol:
And one more thing... I just upgraded to Final Cut Studio 2.

I. AM. FLOORED. The freedom this suite gives me is amazing. Finally, I can fix my movies the way I want to before release.

Before, all I had was an editor and no way to fix anything. FCS2 blows my mind. I'm going to have lots of fun with this new series!!
