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watch Illuminati - Proof

Entertaining. I especially liked the parts in which you modulated your voice, were upside down, etc. Hey, you could make a web personality web series of this. It also rather made me wish I used mind alternating substances recreationally which would be liable to enhance my enjoyment of this video. Which of course I don't. That would be wrong.

Thank you, Richy :)

I especially liked the parts in which you modulated your voice, were upside down, etc. Hey, you could make a web personality web series of this.

That wasn't me, but thank you for the compliment :)

It also rather made me wish I used mind alternating substances recreationally which would be liable to enhance my enjoyment of this video. Which of course I don't. That would be wrong.

Okay, that was a total mind#&@$! Was that dark material, around the 6:15 mark, inspired from Ray's videos? :lol: I'm teasing. Actually, I was reminded of a horror short that you posted, last year.
Okay, that was a total mind#&@$! Was that dark material, around the 6:15 mark, inspired from Ray's videos? :lol: I'm teasing. Actually, I was reminded of a horror short that you posted, last year.

Thank you Scoopicman, I really appreciate it :)

Yup, some influence from Ray in there. Actually, I got the chance to tape record his dreams, I'll tell you, there is some scary stuff in there. But the dream footage rendered surprising well with no crashes or glitches (took up a quite a bit of data though). Glad you enjoyed it :D