I hear you Josh. We must make the best we can with the resources before us which can lead to disappointment later.
I was speaking with my prop master this past Friday night. He asked if we will still shoot pickup footage next Spring. I told him, yes we will. I cringe at some of the things shot wrong with the footage I was not able to fix this year due to the bloody rainouts which helped to drain my pockets dry.
I would like to redo the look of the silver demon hunters. They were never suppose to wear sunglasses. The damn costume makers never told me the actors would not be able to see through the material in their masks.
Also, the look was supposed to be pre-Power Rangers and more like The Skrill from Wonder Woman. So, yes, some campyness was planned in the production.
We would used different masks. We will experiment with new masks with silver Spider-Man masks in the pick-up shoot by a new costume maker.
Also, we are re-shooting action essentials such as the silver demon hunters being killed by laser blasts where they fall down and die instead of lying on the ground already dead.
We will also complete the biggest fight scene in the script with the most science fiction action of the cyborgs defending the humans as they slaughter the silver demon hunters.