I NEED HELP! please read


I'm currently doing my personal statement to get into university ( British people will understand this).. not sure what you would call it in America, but basically writing about yourself to get into college in America ( Uni in UK) if you follow me..

I want to do this film production and cinematography course, but i have no clue how to verbalise me loving film!! so just wondered if anyone had any lines that sounded good about loving film etc!! Just need some help in general.. and because this is a film forum and i want to do a film course.. made sense :) x
I love the movies like Joan d'Arc loves the flames; I love film like the swallows love Capistrano. In the shadow of my soul a silver screen displays the flicker of every celluloid image that ever dazzled a maiden's heart, that ever lifted the dark days from the ruin of their sleep, that ever shot a shiver of delight up the spine of a longing child, that ever sold a dream for a penny, that ever danced on the balcony of the moon...
That was pretty good, Charles!

GSD, I think you just need to be earnest and sincere, and show your passion. Simple straight-forward English should get the trick done.

Best of luck!
I applied last year for English with good success, so i would recommend the following:

-Don't take yourself too seriously, you don't want it to sound like you think you know everything already.

-Focus on what it is you're applying for. Lots of extra curricular stuff is good, but 4/5 of the personal statement should focus on the course you're applying for.

-Show genuine enthusiasm and passion. You don't need to write what you think they want, but what you actually believe. Unis aren't looking for the finished article, they are looking for something to work with.

I would consider those three things key. In addition: avoiding slipping into cliches (Ever since i was 10 years old i've wanted to make movies...etc), avoid sounding arrogant (My photography has won many prizes and been called the work of a true auteur...etc.), avoid sounding snobby (Hollywood blockbusters anger me for their lack of conviction to the cinematic arts...etc.)

Good luck!
data is good.
If you can write about how many HOURS of every week that you spend writing, planning, building skills and whatnot as it relates to making movies, then it should be clear that you are dedicated. Saying your dedicated doesn't mean much.. showing your dedicated speaks volumes.

One idea is too look into scholarship applications, look at the data they try to collect.
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Hey GSD! I know writing a personal statement can seem pretty daunting if you don't really know where to start, but there's a few useful things you can do.

Showing your enthusiasm and passion is obviously one of them, and you could spend a little while talking about your favourite elements of film production and why it is you love them. For example, if you loved cinematography, you could say you love it because of how camera movement, position and frame composition are a major element in creating the tone for a particular scene.

Also, talking about previous examples of work is useful, and what you happened to do on them. Discuss your previous roles and how they've helped you decide to undertake this course. Like if you were a producer, you could say you found the organisation element of film production to be one you greatly enjoyed and would like to expand on in this degree.

Those are the two main areas I would focus on, I think they would just want to know you're serious and determined about the course, and not anything superfluous like a whole paragraph on your favourite films, or anything. It is useful to mention some directors and films which have inspired you, but only really as a means of supporting your own work. As Nick already said too, taking yourself too seriously isn't a good idea. Just go in with a confident and friendly writing approach that shows you know you want to be on this course.

Good luck writing the statement man, if you need any other advice i'm happy to offer it!
Thanks for the posts!! they have really helped me and i will use all your many tips this week to do it :D

thanks again xx