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I need a good scream FX...

I do not mean to come off as a jerk, but this is a question
that can be answered using google. Please take the following
link in the spirit it is given - a little sarcastic but with good
intentions and some humor.


I do understand it may seem as if i'm being lazy but its more a question of trusting other filmmakers opinions, expert opinions so my options can be filtered to the 'right' places rather than just jumping into a million different options provided by google...there i will not find the same answer as i can here. i dont mean to come off prickly...but i am...:D

oh i see you just wanted to use that joke...bless ya...
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I do understand it may seem as if i'm being lazy but its more a question of trusting other filmmakers opinions, expert opinions so my options can be filtered to the 'right' places rather than just jumping into a million different options provided by google...there i will not find the same answer as i can here. i dont mean to come off prickly...but i am...:D

oh i see you just wanted to use that joke...bless ya...

An excellent way to ask for personal experiences and opinions
is to frame your first question the way you did with your response
to me. "What resources to you use for scream sound FX?" would
get a different response than "anyone know where I can find a
good selection of screams".

With your first post I didn't know you had already looked over
the hundreds of sites for good selection of screams and wanted
a options from personal experience.

I use SoundDogs. I have also used The Hollywood Edge. I would
recommend both of them.
oh man im really not a spoon fed kinda guy...promise lol i just wanted a single good resource to spend my hard earned quids on awesome sounds...i wanted to know where the buzz was at thats all...thanks fo helping anyhow, some nice ones there...
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