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I need a break

hey hey

I hail from the planet Chandler (in aridzona), and am looking to do some film work. I have done some haunted houses and would like to see how far i can take my talents. in addition to make up artistry i am also quite adept at construction of set facades and have done construction professionally for almost 20 years as well as having almost 25 years experience as a stage hand and lighting and sound tech for live shows like KISS, Aerosmith, and OzzFest, just to name a few. I am cheep but not free or easy but i will do almost any thing barring a XXX rating. you can contact me through this site or through the myspace page for this site. I am looking forward to finally doing some work in an industry i have been trying to break into since i was a kid! Maybe this time I can make a go of it and maybe be successful.

When the chain saw runs so do the people!
Sean "Seamus the Goat Groper" Gilman:\M/:yes:\M/