archived-videos I love Girl Scouts movie Comedy short

i totally disagree with you. i thought
the cookie collection sqad was hilarious.
i think it would have been funnier if
they would have won. i mean everyone knows that the girl scouts are an elite paramilitary organization.

only because the main character is painted as an antagonist to the largest degree and unless you have a preconceived notion that girl scouts are evil or kids are deserving of losing, there is no reason given to root for the antagonist. A super spoiler here for my short, TSP, the antagonist wins in the end. The way I painted it was I setup the whole situation in the very beginning scene, and painted whom the antagonist was so you knew that the antagonist would try to not let the protagonist win. In the end, neither character betrays the story or their personality. As such, the end is a suprise in that the audience knows the antagonist will do whatever he can to stop the protagonist from winning, so of course they are rooting for her. Since he wins, they realize I never betrayed them. With this structure, I too played with the audience's expectations and emotions and it has been met with very mixed results. They know in the very first scene that he wont let her win, but I think audiences really want her to win. They dont just expect it, they dont want the antagonist to win. Of course, I have my jerk boyfriend antagonist winning against a niave female, and not beating up an otherwise innocent child and her protectionist friends.
Hmm, I guess I don't find humor in some stoner beating the crap out of a cult of little girls.

If the kids would have won, that would have been amusing. I'm the kind of person that likes to see a guy "get his" if he deserves it... like this guy.

I'm with Wideshot, not my type of humor... unless there's a sequel where the stoner, walking away from his victory over the scouts walks into an ambush of military-laden girl scouts being backed up by some mercenary ninjas. The whole thing ends where the guy has both arms and both legs severed and is still alive, the scouts shoving cookies down his throat while screaming "That's four fifty, bitch! Four fifty!"

Damn, my imagination is weird... :lol:
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I like it! I like the fact that he goes against the grain of our theatrical thought. I also found it very funny, but I have a sick sense of humor. Someone needs to make art for us with a sick sense of humor. :)
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense."
-The Buddha
I actually liked it as well, with the exception of the ending. Somehow the Girl Scouts need revenge. You could even do something at this point in post. END -- FADE UP FROM BLACK:

Local Man Dies from Peanut Allergy
Girl Scout Cookies Were to Blame

Then, at least, I would feel like those little cute girls at least got back at that creep.

Just a thought.
I felt mixed about it. I think it was a little too straightforward- perhaps if it had been the other way around, and the girlscouts were using the same language and conventions (like weed!), it would have been a bit funnier. Also, seeing the guy kick the crap outta the kids was hilarious, because it is funny to beat up kids (Kevin Smith shows us this in Jay and Silent Bob as well).... but in that case, we love the main characters. The problem here is that the cookie-monster guy is a jerk, and not likable at all. I think if he had been a nice guy trying to buy cookies, and the girlscouts started eating the cookies, ragging on about weed, and then kicking the crap out of him first, it would have been much better. Then, he could even rip thier spines out of thier backs and you'd still be laughing because the little buggars brought it on themselves.
Good effort with some nice stuff, but I think it needed comedic contrast.