archived-videos i killed

haha! Dude.. that's funny.. wrong.. great. :)

I must say.. THIS would make for a great viral! :D

I could make a myspace MOVIE! No.. wait, that's stupid, nobody would ever do that.
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If I was granted one wish in life, it would be to no longer allow people to add background wallpapers to their myspace!!! Aarrgghh!!

But seriously, for some reason I was not able to view the film, only hear it. Is this a problem on my end?
Cute stuff there. I am a myspace semi-addict. I can quit for days at a time... Really, I can. :)
You should check out the "Mann" films by John Osbeck. Some of your sped-up stuff reminded me of his (that's a good thing).
thanks for watchin'.

not sure what was wrong w/ the flash. It didn't play at all on mine until I got flash so if you're just getting sound, I'm not sure.:huh:
Good flic... AND, what an awesome way to get publicity!

Make a film about myspace and put it on myspace. I mean, what more could you ask for. A self publicizing film.

When did you put it up there?
I think it was about 3 days ago we put it up. It seemed to do really well at first then sort of dropped, maybe it will pick back up.
Thanks for watchin'. Glad you got your flash to work Robert, it should be easy to watch anything on myspace now, I'm assuming. Once mine worked I didn't have any more hangups.
Is there anyone out there disturbed my the Myspace TOS?

According to their TOS, whatever you post to your page (Video/Audio/Text) becomes Myspace property, allowing them a royalty-free perpetual licence to profit off that work and use it as they see fit.

I will not host any of my productions from a Myspace page and even say so on my Myspace page. I don't not agree with allowing anyone else to profit off my work without my permission. The Creative Commons licence that my films are covered under is listed as "Non-commercial use". Posting them to Myspace may grant them an exception to that licence.

I don't know... I'm rambling again. :crazy:

Don't get me wrong, I like Myspace for a number of reasons, but there's no way I'm hosting my movies on it.
You are referring to this part:

Proprietary Rights in Content on
By displaying or publishing ("posting") any Content, messages, text, files, images, photos, video, sounds, profiles, works of authorship, or any other materials (collectively, "Content") on or through the Services, you hereby grant to, a non-exclusive, fully-paid and royalty-free, worldwide license (with the right to sublicense through unlimited levels of sublicensees) to use, copy, modify, adapt, translate, publicly perform, publicly display, store, reproduce, transmit, and distribute such Content on and through the Services.

I think this is partly a case of making sure that if another member steals your movie, or changes it and posts it as something else, you cannot hold myspace responsible. They are just covering their ass across the board.

But regardless, the next line states:

This license will terminate at the time you remove such Content from the Services...

So, in truth, you are not granting myspace the rights to your work forever. But, while you are using their free hosting service, they also want to be able collect advertising revenue from the traffic your film might bring. Not to mention they want to use the ability to promote your film as a way to bring more traffic to myspace in general (and it's advertisers).

So basically, you can post your films on myspace, and if at any time you don't like arrangement anymore, you can remove it and they no longer have any rights to it. Doesn't seem like a bad deal considering the customer access potential that exist on the site.
doesn't sound too bad, seems like the same kinda deal you get with most sites (they get non-exclusive rights while the film is on their site but you have the right to terminate the film at any time).

I just wouldn't reccomend doing it with a feature or a really expensive short film, unless you feel like that's best for the film. luckily our shorts cost nothing to make, so it just helps get exposure.
Interesting short.

I hate going on myspace, though. You click on one persons site and see something of interest then you click that and you're networking through everyones buddylist. It's kind of funny and kind of creepy at the same time.

after watching your film I ended up on "Goynks" page. LOL