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watch "I Gotta Feelin" School-wide music vid!

Even though I don't really like the song, I did enjoy this very much! Very light-hearted and fun, and nice to see a school community all acting together and getting involved in a fun project like this, what school should be about! :) Well done! Great editing by the way, worth the 31 hours?
Man, don't they teach you kids anything in school?
Rule number 1 - KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE ROAD!! :lol:

Good work. Looks like you put a hell of a load of time in and I'm glad to see it pay off.
Kudos to you man! Looks like shooting the video was so much fun!

Probably not so much with the editing. lol. But with that said, the editing was spot on! Those 31 hours were well spent. They were worth it trust me.

This put a smile on my face... :) Great job!