HUMANITY - The Arthouse Movie | Teaser Trailer

Hello again my filmmaking friends, Asher here. As you can tell by the title this is just crazy i know, basically I’m gonna attempt visualising the entire history of Humanity including all the myths and legends in the span of 1000-2000 Arthouse shots. The visual style I will use will be Hieroglyphs, making this the first feature length Motion Hieroglyph experience ever made. Almost every shot will be filled with information that spans whole generations, very symbolic. I will also be placing an original album to go along with the film (which is finished and ready to record), with the oldest song in the world (hurrian hymn no6) playing first. This experience should be finished early 2023 at a steady pace. Since this film covers so much ground, coming from its production will also be:

-The Silmarillion Feature Film by JRR Tolkien (Because his is the modern mythological work)

-The Bible Feature Film

-A slew of other films about Greek, Egyptian, Aztec, Australian mythology etc.

So here it is, the first teaser Trailer. Featuring Melkor/Morgoth. I’d love to know your opinions on a project like this, artistic venture or hopeless fantasy?

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I....I have now Idea what this movie will be about. But I find your dedication heartwarming and there is a passion in the tings that you do....Artistic venture or hopeless fantasy? It depends on what you want... perhaps the journey towards that goal is what gives it its value. Not the validation of others.
I....I have now Idea what this movie will be about. But I find your dedication heartwarming and there is a passion in the tings that you do....Artistic venture or hopeless fantasy? It depends on what you want... perhaps the journey towards that goal is what gives it its value. Not the validation of others.
Thank you for saying that and for taking interest, you are right I find that validation from others can be less to the point than the journey of making an artistic work. As for what this film will be about, well, I guess it’s going to be about everything. Every historical event, every proposed creation story, every judgement day story, every viewpoint. Literally every culture and every thought humanity has ever thought up presented through artistic visuals. Going from the proposed creation stories stage all the way to the future (end of the universe) stories. Every viewpoint presented equally with the viewer left to decide what is fact and what is fiction. Science, myth, culture, discovery, perception, you name it. I also hope to use as many artistic styles from across the world as I can, and as many musical genres as I can. To really convey the human experience through film. I must confess I’ve got no idea how this journey will end lol or where I’ll be taken, how could anyone? I hope this makes the concept a bit more clear cut to understand :). But even so, even I cannot say for sure what it’ll be like in the end. Because a project like this if properly executed covers every topic and every relevance known to Us and more importantly presents them all equally to the viewer. The only way really to grasp it is to see it and even then who knows if it will be understood. Thanks again for the compliment friend I hope you are having a great day.
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I....I have now Idea what this movie will be about. But I find your dedication heartwarming and there is a passion in the tings that you do....Artistic venture or hopeless fantasy? It depends on what you want... perhaps the journey towards that goal is what gives it its value. Not the validation of others.
To put the concept into more concise words:

The Humanity Movie is going to be an experience that artistically visualises all the records of everything humanity has ever put forth. Be it myth, history or discovery, every viewpoint will be presented equally as one experience with the viewer left to decide what is fact and what is fiction. I aim to utilise as many art styles I can from across the world to make this film and the album of songs which will go with it. There will also be many sub-films, music videos and performances that branch off from the main film (so as to go into detail about some sides of humanity and it’s cultures where able). Overall making a Humanity Era / Rollout which I hope inspires many people and sheds light on all the aspects of humanity.

Chapter 1:Every “Creation / Pre-History” Story ever written down is shown artistically and equally through visuals. Genesis, The Big Bang, The Rainbow Serpent and thousands more all accompanied by songs singing of our senses and emotions.

Chapter 2:Every historical event recorded, every viewpoint is shown artistically and equally accompanied by songs as well.

Chapter 3:Every “End Time / Future prophecy / Prediction” is shown equally. Ragnarok, Armageddon, end of the universe and more.

Confirmed / Most likely Sub-Films that may offshoot from the main film are:

1-The Bible Film
2-The Quran Film
3-The Greek Legandarium Film
4-The Egyptian Mythos Film
5-The Indian Chronicles Film
6-The Silmarillion by JRR TOLKIEN
7-The Chinese Tales Film
8-The Dream Time Film
9-The Steppe’s Stories Film
10-The North America’s Folkore Film
11-The South America’s Folklore Film
12-The African Ancients Film

There may also be many more, some will be shorts, some will be whole features depending on how much extra content is cut / left out and / or repurposed / transformed from the main encompassing “Humanity” Film.

This “may” also be a Rollout / Era that lasts indefinitely, where many other artists continually add films to the experience once the main film and offshoots are released.

The Main Film and offshoots hopefully will be ready for release (now in late 2024) but could definitely be released much earlier in 2023 as stated in the trailer if I am able to work on it sufficiently. If the main film and offshoots don’t come out in 2023 or 2024 there will still at-least be short films and music videos releasing then.
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