Hugh Laurie

Okay, I'm familiar with Hugh Laurie because of two series: 'Blackadder' and 'Jeeves and Wooster'. Recently, I've noticed he stars in the new series, 'House'.

I'm beginning to think he IS one of our greatest living actors. So, who's with me?
I like him, but his part as the Prince in the Black Adder III drove me up the wall.

Wasn't he part of the original "The Comic Strip Presents..." ?
he should have been what Hugh Grant became

in fact i would say that Ben Elton used him the same way that Richard Curtis now uses Grant.

personally i consider it sad that he is not more highly rated in the UK, he deserves equal (if not more) status and recogonition to his partner in crime Stephen Fry.
now i've heard people saying that Sean Penn is one of the best actors of all time...he's ok i guess but he sort of makes me sick, especially in the interpreter, along with Nicole Kidman, who needs to retire.
along with Nicole Kidman, who needs to retire

I think maybe you should rent Dogville. Seriously.

And as for Hugh Laurie, what a dark hourse. Years and years of lightweight pap and wall to wall advertising voiceovers only to suddenly reinvent himself as a serious actor in House. I'd take my hat off to him, if I was wearing one, which I'm not.

Hold on.

OK. I'm back wearing a hat, which I will now take off.

I had to keep telling myself...'yep, that's Hugh Laurie'. (in 'House')

Nicole Kidman, retire? She's just getting started!

I 've never seen 'The Comic Strip Presents', I'll have to google it.
sorry i just don't like kidman...i just don't think she's a good actor. She just bothers hard to explain. anyway...

I know people will tell me, "Yea that's why she won so many awards."

I still don't think she's that fabulous.

It's cool, you're certainly entitled to your opinion:).

I'm a fan of hers and have been since 'Dead Calm' (waayyy before any awards went her way).
ok, thank you bird...:)

i really wasn't looking for an argument.
I love Hugh Laurie! I loved him from the moment I first saw him in "Sense and Sensibility" though I didn't really know who he was. Then House started up and my mother started watching it and got me hooked.

I'm now going through Hugh Laurie withdrawal because I work on a ship and I can't watch the show. I make my mother send me emails to keep me updated. If they come out with a DVD for the show, (and I'm sure they eventually will) I'm buying it and I'll have it sent to Alaska if I have to (which is where I will be next.) Who would have thought Fox had it in them?

“But as the philosopher Jagger once said ‘You can't always get what you want.’”
ktdamien said:
If they come out with a DVD for the show, (and I'm sure they eventually will) I'm buying it

Look for season 1 in stores two weeks before season 2 starts.

ktdamien said:
Who would have thought Fox had it in them?

Fox has the best show on TV - 24. SO I don't think it's a leap to get another good show.

I haven't gotten into House, I'm not sure why. I think with shows like these that have a bunch of buzz before it even airs, I tend to wait off until the buzz dies down.

A bit of Hugh Laurie trivia, he was a member of the Cambridge boat crew for the 1980 Boat Race*. Cambridge lost.

* The Boat Race - A traditional British event between Oxford and Cambridge Universities that the BBC seem to think the whole country should be interested in and should regard as a legitimate sporting event.

He was also President of Footlights, the Cambridge Dramatic Club, whose members include many of the UK's most talented actors, directors, play writes etc. the list is endless.
Hi Bird!

You said to come, so I am here. And talking about Hugh Laurie! :)

Peter's Friends, while obscure, is a great Hugh Laurie (and K. Branagh, etc) piece. :)
Welcome Lilith! I'm glad you decided to join us at Indietalk. Your insightful opinions and wonderful personality are a most happy addition. I think you'll find everyone here quite helpful and inviting. :)

I'll have to rent 'Peter's Friends'...I'm also a kenneth Branagh fan!