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watch How to Print a Full Sized Poster at Home (Tutorial)

I recently cleared my youtube of all videos and started making a series of tutorials called "Simple". This is the second video. I would greatly appreciate any constructive criticism on any kind of element you can think of. I'm still trying to get the hang of color correction, so you may notice that it's a bit off.


I'd rather just go to Kinkos and print a poster than waste ink and patch one together that looks patched.
First, (and SERIOUSLY, this almost doesn't even matter to me) that final poster product looked like garbage.

Now, onto the actually important part: WOW! That was a very well shot and edited, audio collected and edited + soundtrack mix tute!
Excellent production value all the way around.
The leap in production quality from the 'Mechanical Pencil BB Gun' tute is fantastic!
I like the "skip ahead" points in this YT vid, as well. Very thoughtful pre-planning.

I'm very impressed.

Now... move onto projects that have actual merit! :lol: :yes:
Crap, I forgot to say that too. Was going to. The editing and production quality was awesome. Definitely the slickest tutorial I've seen on here. When it got to the part about the putty, I was like, wow. Very well done.
Thanks to you both! I was hoping it would turn out better at the end but the poster didn't look that good, I agree. What I was mainly focusing on was the actual production as I mostly just wanted practice so thanks for your comments!