How to get my youtube video starring AARON PAUL reviewed?

Hello new dude :cool:

Haven't watching it yet, but I'll give it a look.

Share the film around. Facebook, Vimeo, Twitter Youtube. Submit it to Short of the Week and other online short film sites. Try submitting it to some festivals. Youtube has a feature when you can advertise on other videos. Anyway, you want to get the film seen. Because of the Breaking Bad win, you could probably get some attention if you get it out soon.
Just watched (some of) it.

Very low quality and slow as well. Aaron Paul can't save you from the not so good video and audio quality. I have to agree with IndiePaul and sfoster.

Rejecting a film solely on "video quality" is nonsense. However, the contents was quite poor and I gave up at 1:26. Put it back on the shelf.