editing How to create chapters/ad breaks for Filmhub delivery

Has anyone ever created chapters/ad breaks for Filmhub delivery? How is this done? Is there a software program or can you create a simple text file?
I'm glad you were able to figure it out for yourself.

I'm copying below what my colleague sent me; he's done chapter breaks for many distributors as well as for FilmHub. This might be useful for someone else.

1. Feature films or concert films must have chapters. Short form, non‐episodic video do not require chaptering.
2. Chapter titles must match the chapter titles used in the physical release (DVD or Blu-Ray), if available.
3. Chapter titles must not include special characters, such as or . Exceptions are made when these characters are part of the official film title (for example, Wall•E).
4. If no chapter titles exist, use generic alpha-numerics to indicate chapters, such as "Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3," et cetera.
As it turns out, this information can be easily added by clicking on your title and then twirling down some fields that allow you to enter time stamps and chapter titles. So easy, yet obscured by Filmhub in their emails to me. Instead, they offered to create chapters/ad breaks for me for $50.00. That is when I knew that I didn't need to spend an enormous amount of time reauthorizing my movie! It had to be an easy process.
I'm glad you were able to figure it out for yourself.

I'm copying below what my colleague sent me; he's done chapter breaks for many distributors as well as for FilmHub. This might be useful for someone else.

1. Feature films or concert films must have chapters. Short form, non‐episodic video do not require chaptering.
2. Chapter titles must match the chapter titles used in the physical release (DVD or Blu-Ray), if available.
3. Chapter titles must not include special characters, such as or . Exceptions are made when these characters are part of the official film title (for example, Wall•E).
4. If no chapter titles exist, use generic alpha-numerics to indicate chapters, such as "Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3," et cetera.
5. Capitalization for chapter titles must be consistent for all content chapter assignments. Chapter titles must be spelled correctly and any necessary local characters and accents must be present.
6. Concert films must be chaptered by song. Chapter titles must match the song titles.
7. Chapter image aspect ratio must match the aspect ratio of the corresponding movie scene.
8. Chapter images must not have black frames. Do not use blank or dark scenes as chapter images.
9. Chapter image thumbnails from screenshots must be taken from the corresponding chapter in the film.
10. Chapter time codes should end at a natural transition in the content. For example, don’t end a chapter in the middle of a scene.
11. Localized chapter titles must be included in the delivery metadata when other metadata, such as title or synopsis, in that corresponding language is provided.
12. With the exception of the opening title card or a representative frame from the end credit roll, Chapter Thumbnail images should not contain "forced narrative" or language-specific text that requires translation for international users.