sound How much would you expect to budget for music?

Hello, I'm a newbie... I would really appreciate any input.

I was basically offered to compose music for a second time indie filmmaker. His first film has won awards and now he has funding and is writing a budget for his second film.

He wants to know what my rates per minute music composed are, and I think is trying to flesh out how much I would charge to compose music for his film.

Assuming the music would be throughout, intro outtro, themes, how much would you EXPECT to pay for a composer (who has low creds)? What numbers would be in your mind?

I know it is vague, but his email basically offering me the opportunity was also vague. I would appreciate any input!


That's a real how long is a piece of string question.

Do you know what the film maker's projected budget is?

You see on my first feature I paid nothing for my music... and on my second, I paid a flat fee of $30,000 (for worldwide rights, in perpetuity) However, that composer was one of London's top producers... who did at "mate's rates" simply because he liked the project.

I think you need to think in terms of how much time you're going to have to put into it and figure it out from there.