How much would it cost me?

I want to upgrade my DSLR gear.Recently I said that I won 1 thousand dollars from a filmmaking competition.So I said i'll go for audio.

But now,a really good friend of mine agreed to use his proffesional gunshot mic ( his father is actually in the film industry ).

I saw a lot of DSLR BTS and for instance in Act of Valor they had camera rig + matte box + follow focus for example.

I think this would really help me out.I really want to invest into filmmaking gear now .

Do you have any idea how much a descent rig + matte box would cost me ?
I think the matte box will help me a lot,since as I know it can prevend a lot of lens flares for instance , and these things are really problem for me sometimes.

Oh..Any ideas ?I know you can find 2 thousand dollars + but I'm talking just for the cheaper one which wont be waste of money ofcourse.

My 2c:
If you can't get good quality images out of a DSLR without a rig, FF, matte box etc. and/or only want such things because you've seen people who make good stuff use it, rather than having a specific need for it - having the gear isn't going to make your stuff better.
It's not the rig that makes the DSLR footage in AOV look like it does - it's Shane Hurlbut. A lot of the helmet-mount cams had no rig or matte, and were simply rigged to remote FFs
Yes man I know.
But for instance I love the depth of field I'm geting out of my 50 mm ,but It doesn't have stabilization.So a stabilization system will be awesome for me.

Moreover I'm not saying I'll get them 100% , I'm just asking if it's a good idea of getting these stuffs and are they gonna be expensive :)
I said i'll go for audio. But now,a really good friend of mine agreed to use his proffesional gunshot mic ( his father is actually in the film industry ).

First, it's "shotgun" mic, not gunshot.

You may have access to a shotgun mic, but what about everything else? An audio recorder, a boom-pole, a shock-mount, etc. And will you have access whenever you need it? If he's a professional I'm sure he'll be using it for his own professional work on a regular basis (i.e. you're scheduled to shoot your project, then he gets booked - bye-bye shotgun!).
Mehh, Mattebox is big and chunky.. It often get's in the way. That said, it's the only way to ND my 14mm lens, so I am buying one. But that's also because my FS100 is a professional Super 35mm Camera and i want the best quality ND on it. I am not buying it to merely cut down on lens flares but to be able to use 4x4 filters in the tray.

Matteboxes are often unnecessary and i really hope there will be a better solution someday which is a lot smaller and convenient. You can get crazy about rigs, matteboxes and shizz like that, that's exactly what i did, but when i have everything built up i start disassembling it again because often you don't need it!

I would have a look at buying audio equipment as Alcove suggests, or expand on your lenses.. Oh, or lights!
I'm considering getting a H4N zoom ( if im right ) .I am using 550D . However it is about 300 dollars and I'll have a bit to spend on other gear.

I'll definetely spend one part of the money for the H4N Zoom .Alcove,what do you think about it?Is it a good alternative ?
I much prefer the Tascam DR-100. Even the DR-40 is a better choice IMHO.

And you still haven't addressed my other questions:

You may have access to a shotgun mic, but what about everything else? A boom-pole, a shock-mount, etc.

... will you have access whenever you need it?
Matteboxes are often unnecessary and i really hope there will be a better solution someday which is a lot smaller and convenient.
I tend to disagree, they are great at cutting unwanted flare, and are great for all sorts of filters, not just NDs. I tend to use soft filters a lot in stuff I personally shoot, and on film you need colour correction filters depending on the stock and conditions you're shooting in. For me, a matte box is not something that goes astray.

You can get crazy about rigs, matteboxes and shizz like that, that's exactly what i did, but when i have everything built up i start disassembling it again because often you don't need it!
I would have a look at buying audio equipment as Alcove suggests, or expand on your lenses.. Oh, or lights!

This I agree with. A decent DSLR rig is going to set you back upwards of $1500. And really, is it worth spending such money on a DSLR? A FF isn't going to make you pull focus better, a matte box isn't going to make your images look any different, even a shoulder rig is not necessarily going to make your shots any more stable..
I've mentioned this before, but for what it's worth, if all you've got is a T2i I wouldn't worry too much about buying superfluous "gear" just to get it. I have a T3i, and any "rig" I own I built it myself. Sure they may not be as shiny as a $500 system, but they also don't set me back $500! (the most I've spent on a rig is $5)

I may feel differently if I had an FS100 or something else nice, but since I'm still in the low-end DSLR range, it really isn't worth it to spend money on something I could build myself and works just as well (better in some cases, as I build it customized to my own needs).

Spend your money on things that deserve to cost money (lenses + audio equipment), and build your own rig. My two cents!
Echoing alcove.

If I had 1000 bucks for gear, I'd keep my t2i + 5m lens, my cheap 70 dollar shoulder mount and dump all the cash into audio.

People can live with ok video, but not with ok audio. Get the best shiz!
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