how many have you made a feature film for?

When you read that an India Film had a budget of say 1million....Is that simply for getting the film made, and not accounting for marketing etc???

Im putting together film costs for how much my fisrt feature may cost....ITS a Horror / wondering do I have to take into consideration marketing costs when applying for funding?
When you read that an India Film had a budget of say 1million....Is that simply for getting the film made, and not accounting for marketing etc???
It is the cost of the movie only. Many times it's only the cost of
production and doesn't include the money spent on post production
paid for by the distributor.

Im putting together film costs for how much my fisrt feature may cost....ITS a Horror / wondering do I have to take into consideration marketing costs when applying for funding?
If you are going to be marketing the movie than you should
include all marketing costs. Many filmmakers include festival
submission costs into their funding plan.