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How do i write a good screenplay

Ok i have a two really great movie ideas. And i have got alot of really great advice on here so far. So how do i really write me a good screenplay. Both are horror movies. Both based on first hand experiance of one of the actors. Like the actors are holding the camera. But really they are not. I plan to have the camera on a dolly and track. Just making it look as if the actor is holding the camera. One has to be shot in Night vision but i want to shoot it during day but make it look night vision. Any suggestings would be nice if want. Now for the big part. I love to get in this business. I need to know a lot about the filming business. I am only 20 years old. And i have the biggest imagination than anyone i know. But i need to know first how i can make me a really good screen play. So can anyone help me on that.
Like the actors are holding the camera. But really they are not. I plan to have the camera on a dolly and track. Just making it look as if the actor is holding the camera. One has to be shot in Night vision but i want to shoot it during day but make it look night vision. Any suggestings would be nice if want.
This won't be part of your screenplay. These things are what you will do
when you shoot the movie.

Now for the big part. I love to get in this business. I need to know a lot about the filming business. I am only 20 years old. And i have the biggest imagination than anyone i know. But i need to know first how i can make me a really good screen play. So can anyone help me on that.
Can't really offer a better suggestion than TheBuck.

Like anything in life, the more you do it, the better you get. You want to
write a really good screenplay, you gotta start by writing. And you need to
write often. Since you already have a big imagination, it's about time you
sat the butt in the chair and wrote those ideas down.

At this stage I suggest you divide your time. Take an hour of each day and
just write. Then take an hour of each day and learn the screenplay format.
You've watched a lot of movie. How many screenplays have you read?
Computer Programmer's Guide to Successful Screenwriting ;)

DO UNTIL Successful
     DO 10 times
         Watch movies, TV, cartoons, media 
         Read screenplays & books on writing
         Write screenplays in proper format
     Network with other Creative Folk
     Submit Best Screenplay for Critique
     IF (Opportunity="Lucky Break") THEN Successful
TB - Butt in chair... write, write, write...

There are hundreds of 'how to' books available - read, read, read...

Repeat and rinse, aim for a minimum of one sp a year and unless you're a prodigy it will take 5or 6 sp's before you even start to understand the 'craft'. And a lot of writers say it takes at least ten years to master it.

That's why it's so important to go with an idea which really grabs you - as it will probably take up six months of your life!

I wish you all the very best TB,

Of course, as everybody above has said, practice makes perfect.

But one other piece of advice from me is to try and have the complete story in your head before you start. People write in different ways, some start with an idea, begin writing and the story builds from there. Others will write a huge plan, with an outline of the story and each of the characters, then assembly it all together to form a story. I like to do something between the two. My best writing has come when I’ve had a full story in my head, beginning, middle and end. Of course, things can change when you start to write, but take the time to think about it first. If you can visualise a good proportion of the film in your head, the writing part seems to come much more naturally.

Just my thoughts!
I agree make sure you have a complete story before you start. And make sure every subplot you have in mind pays off. Also don't be afraid to write something original or daring. A lot of writers are afraid that if they do something too different, audiences won't like it, but it's almost always the different movies that get noticed.
A screenplay is a blue print for a visual story.

Write the pictures first. Show don't tell. If your characters say something write that down but they don't always have to be moving their mouths. Silence is golden. What do you want the audience to feel?

Write what you see.

When my writing gets to wordy I watch The Good, The Bad and The ugly or 2001.