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How do I fix this shot?

As you can see in the video, the first shot, is much better lit and clear. The second is dark and blurry, and when blown up, their is a lot of red noise. The first shot though, isn't as near as well acted in my opinion, but I had to relight since you can see some crew in the background, but my relighting sucks, and you get the blur and red noise in the retake.


How can I make the second take, look brighter, and less blurry, and make it look like the lighting and clarity of the first take, to match my other footage, with After Effects, if possible? I like the second take better and would like to make it look like the first. Thanks.
Dude, no one is going to notice your crew in the BG. I had to watch the thing 3 times to find out where you were talking about.

Ray is right. You're focusing too much on little things with a lot of the questions you're asking. The film is going to be great. Just get the damn thing cut already so we can all watch it!
Okay. I'm guessing the first shot is still better than. I am still going to have to do a lot of photoshopping in other scenes though since the lighting did not match continuously. But I will get my final edit done as soon as I can and get on that. But I still have to make it the best I can to make a good impression on the actors to keep some contacts and make more.
Okay thanks. What's wrong with the acting in the first one? You can't tell on youtube, but the second is very blurry when blown up though. It looks a lot more clear on youtube though, when the size is shrunk down with less red grain as well. It it possible to blow the image up and maintain the same clarity when it is shrunk down, blur wise at least?
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First one looked better, except that it looked like someone kicked the clorox bottle. The second drives me nuts cuz the clorox logo dominates the frame.
I couldn't see the crew.
Oh it looks like someone kicked the bottle in the first one cause the guy put down another bottle next to it, but you cannot see it, at the angle it is shot. When I add in the sound I will add the sound of another full bottle hitting the floor. But all the shots, where you can see the second bottle are just too dark and blurry, unless I do something to clarify the image.

This fight scene turned out to have a lot of out of focus shots. I can't cut them out without it getting in the way of continuity. All of a sudden charaters end up here or there, in different positions. How do professional movies do this? A lot of times when a movie is cut down or edited for television, they can take out great amounts of an action scene, and somehow still make it able to come all together continuously. Do I just need to hire a more experienced editor, or what?
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