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How do I color over noise?

I've been trying to reduce the noise in some of my shots, that I want to work with but After Effects's features are not really helping much. Since it doesn't seem removable, I wast thinking of coloring over it. Everything would be the same color, but it would all be colored over the noise. I could use colors of actor's skin and clothes from other shots with similar lighting to help. Or rotoscoping it out more so, if taking just the color won't work. But I haven't figured out how to do this? Any thoughts? Thanks.
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I will try to upload it but I need a site that will upload it big enough so you can see the noise in a big enough form, as to how it looks on a big TV screen. What's a good site for that?

I was contacted by a guy at a local film festival who says he liked what he saw (he knows someone I gave a copy of some footage too), and would like to see the whole project. So this could be a good opportunity for me cause this guy has produced films, but I have to make the noisy shots look good so it can be coherent.
or vimeo I was just thinking if there were a way to isolate the darker parts... which there are, with most 3-way color correctors... then you could just affect those portions... in fact, by making luma matte or a chroma matte, you can blur just the portion of the footage (slightly) that is affected by th noise the worst (darks).
Okay so if I blur the area, then the noise goes away somewhat from the blur, you're saying.

I want to upload it, but when I export it from after effects, back into Premiere Pro, it looks the same without the changes I made. I am trying to figure out how to make it look the same with the modified curves, after exporting. I played around more and the blur option which helps is 'blend with original'. That reduced a lot of the noise, and the dark noisy parts look much better. There is still some noise, that is more noticeable on slightly brighter parts still. One thing I noticed is this: when the actor dressed all in black comes near an actor dressed in red, the actor in red becomes a lot more noisier.

Okay basically I have a short film which some people with connections want to see after seeing some samples. I have a few shots that are really noisy compared to the rest, but have to be in there to make sense. I need to make so the noisy shots will not be distracting once they come, since other films I heard have done poorly from having shots that look very low quality compared to the rest. I don't have the money for neatvideo or other plug ins right now, but I could reduce it in photoshop. It would take a while, and I have other photoshopping I have to do on top of that before June, since I told everyone I would try to get it done before then.

I could add more noise to the whole movie, to make the movie more watchable, as was suggested on here before, but how much noise is too much? Or should I add grain instead, since most agree that grain looks better?
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Okay thanks. I'll see about downloading a free trial of NEAT and try it out.

I have been trouble uploading the footage from after effects. I put it into after effects to get rid of some of the darkness, but when making it bright enough to see there is a lot of noise. After I export it from after effects back into Premiere Pro, all I got is the original footage, not modified, so I don't know how to export it properly, to get it onto youtube.

Here's a youtube video of some of my footage. If you fast forward 2 minutes 24 seconds, that's the original shot, that is really noisy when adjusted with curves and blown up. Still noisy in the original though. Basically I need to get rid of all the redness on the skin in the footage. After I modify the curves, the skin is colored better, but it's noisy.

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It goes by quickly enough that no one will notice. As editors, we stare at a clip that will be on screen for less than a second for hours. The audience won't pick it up. I didn't see a problem with that shot.