cinematography How did I make this camera monitor error?

A director I know, had a cameraman drop out of his project and asked me to fill in, just two days, before the shoot. I used the monitor plugged into the camera to show me everything, and to frame the shots. But now he shows me the footage and the characters, are framed differently. One character, has one third of him cut off, in all the takes from that angle. But on the monitor, there was more shown and it was all there. Do some monitors show more space in the room than what the camera actually captures?

And sorry I realized I should have posted this in the, on the set forum now.
The sides were the problem he said, but the top and bottom might have been too. I am not sure, but he said I cut off the side of an actor's face, when the whole face, was coming up in camera.

I saw the footage, and although I do not remember exactly where the top, bottom, and sides, began and ended, I did notice how one 3rd to half of a face was missing. The director is saying the scene is ruined now, but after viewing it, it doesn't look too bad. A lot of movies, people have gotten cut off occasionally. He can either zoom past the guy, to the more main people in the mastershot, and just have them, and cut back to the side guy when needed, or he can leave it as is, and send it in. At least I still think even though I did something wrong, the scene looks very salvageable and have been in tighter spots myself so far. But maybe I'm wrong.
Sounds like 16:9 in a 4:3 sequence...

When he showed it to you was it 16:9 or more square?
Check settings...

After that question the gear/process and find out what the problem was.