How can I learn from this?

Recently I watched a short film uploaded to YouTube, it was after watching another made by the same user regarding a shot list tutorial. After watching both I used links available in the videos description to visit another website with the screenplay of the short film uploaded to it. The screenplay and short film have enough differences from one another to the point where I feel they're somewhat bad examples of how a screenplay transitions to a short film/translates in a short film. Lines were different in a bothersome way, the set for one character was pretty different than it was written, a part of it involving a confetti effect/prop turned out different, and the ending was different from the way it was written.

Here's the shortfilm:

Here's the screenplay for it:

The user who created both did so to show what a screenplay looks like when turned into a short film. I don't feel what was provided was a good example because of the differences. How can I learn from what was provided, even if they aren't as great of examples in my opinion. Why did the final work come out so differently than the screenplay. Does that always happen? Is that unusual? Usual? Do you think what was provided is better than what I feel? Worse than what I feel?