archived-videos Horrors of War - TEASER (new)

Sonny, Thats pretty sweet. You're feature is really coming along. Did you make those tanks or do you rent them from some prop place?

I know you're the borderline pro and all but If I had to make any constructive remark, I'de have to agree with the bugle thing. It was a bit too much.

Just a visual I had with the opening scene to the trailer. You having it kind of grainy and in B&W slowly transisioning into color. Im guessing you want to throw people off with the opening score but I think its more dramatic if you were to have some string instruments playing slowly with sort of a Mystery theme to them. Then the classic *Chuck* instrumental sound that You would here in the shower curtain of Psycho.

Just my input.

Hope to see the film in its entirety

PS, Who did the 3D effect with the bomber? I've been trying to look for a Tutorial on how to make a parachute open up like that. Did you morph it in Max or use Reactor ?
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King, which trailer are you referring to? The original one or the new one just posted?

Don Drennan did our plane renders (when they are CGI, although some are real!). He did it all using LIGHTWAVE, and made his own textures from digital photos of a real bomber at the Air Force Museum.

The Tanks are real (all of them), and we go them through WWII re-enactors who made most of the movie possible with guns, props, tents, jeeps, vehicles, uniforms, advice, and more.

Less than a year ago I was making DV shorts, same as everyone else on the site...
"TEASER (new) ". The one you posted at the beginging of this thread.

So, I havnt been on here in a while. Are you actually getting funded to do a full length feature? Did you find investors or is this all out of your own pocket? Looks expensive.

I just now remembered you telling me the Bomber was created from Lightwave but for some reason I thought it was 3D Studio max.

The Parachute scene is pretty cool. Good luck with your film.
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King, I was the script super on this film, and I can assure you it's a full feature film. The Boo man is characteristically humble, but he and his team did indeed find representation and $$$ to shoot this past summer. I can't wait to see the finished film, cause I know what everyone went through to make it happen. It was an AWESOME experience. Can't thank Sonnyboo enouugh for bringing me on board. Had a Blast!

Even though I am personally opposed to trailers that contain spoilers, I gotta admit, this works pretty well to sell the film! :)
King Goldfish said:
Are you actually getting funded to do a full length feature? Did you find investors or is this all out of your own pocket? Looks expensive.

Fully funded (past tense...), private investors and an executive producer.

Finished principal photography July 9th-31st, and even one day of pickups last month. We're in the final throes of post production in a mad rush. We're doing the sound mix and scoring plus some visual FX work for the next 2 weeks before calling it truly "final" and doing the online edit & last colour correction.

It was expensive compared to every DV (and even film) short I've ever done, but alas, it was still a very low budget production, especially for a period WWII action piece with tons of extras and explosions plus a monster or two. Note to self: Next time start a little less ambitious for first time feature...

Yeah, I'm not too concerned with the old teaser these days. We're still planning on doing a public trailer based on the SPOILERIFIC AFM trailer.

AFMAN10 said:
Looks really good… just wondering what the budget was for this film.

I am not permitted to disclose the actual amount. Officially "Under $1million", but there are a lot of numbers under a million...

Christine Chapman did an excellent job as script super. She even came back for the pickup day. Her notes were used on the edit a lot and helped us immeasurably.
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That was a really good teaser, I can't wait to see the movie, I was wandering what cameras did you use to film this, and roughly how much did it cost, and is there any way for me to contact Wizard Films?
Ed_Hazel said:
That was a really good teaser, I can't wait to see the movie, I was wandering what cameras did you use to film this, and roughly how much did it cost, and is there any way for me to contact Wizard Films?

It might be helpful to read the other posts, or visit the website if you have these questions. Lots of them have been answered already.
Ed_Hazel said:
That was a really good teaser, I can't wait to see the movie, I was wandering what cameras did you use to film this, and roughly how much did it cost, and is there any way for me to contact Wizard Films?

I agree with Spats... most of your questions are answered within 3-4 posts right before this... Thanks though!

We shot with a BL 35mm camera, a CP-16 regualr 16mm camera, an Arri SR3 super 16mm camera, a Nikon R10 Super 8 camera, and also a Belieu super 8 camera. Entirely shot on FILM.
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Looks good. I liked it.

The only thing I didn't dig was the werewolf effects.

But the war stuff looked good. Loved the planes.


(modedit: promotion/advertisement removed)
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