The North American DVD will be out this fall. We have confirmation, but I won't make a formal announcement for another week or so. No UK distro as of yet.
I've always wondered... and been bothered by 'international edits'. Why is this done?

If I shoot a film one way, I'm shooting it in that way for a reason, why would I want to reedit it for the international market?

I can't wait for the HOW DVD release, though!!!
Loud Orange Cat said:
I've always wondered... and been bothered by 'international edits'. Why is this done?

Mostly it's becuase of MPAA ratings that exist in the U.S.A. and the UK ratings are also very strict on violence & evne showing details of how to pick a lock & other crimes. In the U.S. , there's a lot more violence allowed, but less nudity.... as that's somehow a bad thing as opposed to guns, head explosions, and gore that are more acceptable to the U.S.

In some cases (like LEON, aka THE PROFESSIONAL) where International audiences accepted taking a 13 year old girl on assasination jobs, Americans would have freaked out, so close to 20 minutes was cut from the film in the U.S.

A lot of action movies are edited heavily for UK release.

Take a look at the ALTERNATE VERSIONS on several movie titles on www.imdb.com and see what goes on with this stuff. Pretty interesting.
Mostly it's becuase of MPAA ratings that exist in the U.S.A. and the UK
I remember watching an interview with George A. Romero about this not too long ago. While, there's no official list of what material gets a specific rating, there's an unofficial list. "One F-bomb and you get a PG-13. More than one gets you an R." Also there's supposed to be an unofficial rule about specific violence again police. "If the shooter looks like he's enjoying it, the MPAA is supposed to automatically give the film the dreaded NC-17 to motivate the filmmaker to reedit the film as to not give the impression that shooting cops is fun."

Also, there's a super-gory international cut of Romero's Dawn of the Dead (My fav horror film) where a lot of the witty social commentary was deleted and all the gore from the cutting room floor was reedited in. George said this version made much more money than both the theatrical or director's cuts of the films ever did.

In some cases (like LEON, aka THE PROFESSIONAL) where International audiences accepted taking a 13 year old girl on assasination jobs, Americans would have freaked out, so close to 20 minutes was cut from the film in the U.S.
I have both versions of this movie... awesome film! (Personally, I enjoyed the US version better, the scenes where Matilda was an active participant in Leon's work seemed a bit formulaic and expected.)
from my friend alex hennen (aka, cop 2 in "average joe"):

alex said:
I tried to dot he translation myself, using guesses and primitive kanji translators. The first set is "De Do Ma N", and though I can't nail the kanji in the second set down exactly, it's some form of "Soldiers" (I got the last part of the word, but not the first).

So, "Deadman Soldiers".

Ouch. ;)

That is a badass DVD cover! I can't wait to get the USA version - it's been a long time coming! Congrats on getting your first feature (right?) out and into the hands of an international audience. Cool stuff.
Loud Orange Cat said:
Will we be able to order the DVD from sonnyboo.com when it's available? (I hope so, I can't wait to see it)

No, it will be on Amazon.com this fall, along with avilability for rental at Blockbuster and Hollywood Video, plus or sale at Best Buy & Targets, as I'm told.

Save your $$$ and buy the U.S. disc, as the Japanese disc has no extras.
knightly said:
what if I want to get both? ;)

Then bless you sir, but I don't 100% endorse the Japanese DVD because the sound mix on it is incomplete and the edit is not 100% what I wanted. I ordered mine yesterday because I want it for the persoanl goal met, but it's not for everybody.

It's also a region 2 DVD so it won't play on most DVD players. It's more cool to compare the marketing campaign in Asia as compared to here - It's officially called "DEAD MAN SOLDIERS" in Japan.

also, as a correction for all...

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I like that cover design, but it is misleading. DTV marketing is so misleading. I remeber renting a movie once that I thought was a sex romp (I was young, girlfriendless, and had five bucks -- what else was there to do?) but it turned out to be a boring dialogue fest with very little nudity or sex.

PJR, will the webisodes be on the US DVD?

Eddie Rex said:
If you can get Horrors of War shown in the UK, you can get it shown anywhere.

Not sure what to make of this statement..

I'm already accepted in the LEEDS ANIMATION HORROR FILM FESTIVAL in the UK...