archived-videos Horror short (filmed with GH3)

This is a shortmovie from a friend of mine.
I did camera and helped him with the story.

I used a GH3 with lumix 12-35mm, 25mm nokton f0,95 and 58mm nokton f1.4

Hopefully you'll like it

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Gorgeous film.
The shot compositions, set design, lighting, color correction, and movement are impressive.
Every shot beautiful.
The slider and track shots were a bit overused - but they looked great!
Casting was terrific.

Story... eh. A little slow in pacing and incongruous in logic, but overall fair.
I really liked the film. It was nearly perfect for a short. I can't pick on any aspect--the production design and value were really solid.

If I had to give any criticism, it would be the ending...the shot with the young moms hair when she got scared in xcu, to her medium shot was off...and the stabbing sleeping daughter was a touch weak. Other than that, it was awesome. Great acting, photography, sound and sound design, lighting, and editing...

Great work.