Horror/Action Songs For Indie Films

Hey Guys,

This isn't exactly a "noob" question but...

I'd like to see if anyone has good suggestions for songs that would fit into either a Horror or Action-like movie.

(Watch the Sin City trailer for an example of what I mean.)

Thanks! :P
Sometimes, a horror film will use music that is very different from what is happening in the scene. Like when they use a child's song when something terrible is going on.

Then there is always using classical music, I don't remember which horror film used Mahler, but it was quite creepy music...

-- spinner :cool:
Hey Guys,

This isn't exactly a "noob" question but...

I'd like to see if anyone has good suggestions for songs that would fit into either a Horror or Action-like movie.

(Watch the Sin City trailer for an example of what I mean.)

Thanks! :P
If you're currently working on a project and need original compositions for this genre, let me know.
Not sure if any of you have checked it out but Sony makes a program now called Cinescore that's a very intuitive soundtrack creation program. I plan on using it to make some soundtrack material, but mostly to show a musician what I need.
place an ad on versusmedia dot com, that's what I did and it worked great. I got all kind of submissions, some that fit what I was looking for and some that didn't. Good luck!