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watch HOPE - A hunger games film BTS

Hey all, I just wanted to share with you the two behind the scenes episodes we had for a film I'm working on writing and perfecting currently. A short film in honor of The Hunger Games.

So the story is very simple: we had everything written, everything set up, all the props, the locations, even 25 actors! The only thing preventing us was the weather. Living in Wisconsin, it got up to -13 degrees the day we had set to film with everyone. So after a few hours, I decided to make the directorial decision to just call it quits.

After several attempts at re-filming and recasting, actors would not cooperate (mainly the diva main character. :rolleyes:) So it's going to moved to spring and entirely rewritten, perfected, etc. Probably will be shot over the summer, but I want to make it into a feature length deal.

Anyhow, here are those behind the scenes videos. It was turning out amazing, but alas, not everything works out. It was a wonderful experience, though.


We did actually shoot during weather like this a few years back for a competition and again for a commercial promo video… it was a good call to cancel the shoot. That day was awesome and sucked all at the same time. It was cold enough for the promo that I had to remove the camera battery after every take and put it inside my jacket to keep it running throughout the shoot -- cold and batteries don't mix… Can't wait to see your rewrite.