I ended up modifying my truck after I was just going to "repair" a few things...ended up doubling the horsepower...whoops
Sounds like "repairing" to me. Every thing needs more power!

Yodaman-I've always wanted to go one of those fairs, haven't had the chance. An Inept pirate-how inept exactly? lol Sounds like a cool introduction to the field though. I've done my share of acting-still do it somewhat, though I prefer behind the scenes now.
You should go, they're lots of fun! You just have to be prepared to have random cast members yell crazy things in the streets. And if they don't do that, they're not doing their job right!

My inept pirate character was really...well, stupid, honestly. Basically I just acted really dumb and incoherent most of the time. I was supposed to be hard-of-hearing, so I played that up a bit by sometimes making patrons/customers yell in my face because I "couldn't hear them". My character's name was Adrian Smalley (a spoof off of Adrian Monk (from the TV show) and Stuart Smalley from the old SNL skits; please, someone, tell me you understand who they are!

I told you it's a crazy place!

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