Hola. Just tryin' something new

Good Evening.

I am NOT a film maker. Novice beyond novice. Have a vision of documenting my business as everyone asks me about it. I do have a video camera but cannot seem to download the bit I have onto the computor. Someone gave me a flip video which I thought was a joke but seems to be easy to use, so I guess that is what I am working with.
Anyway, hi and happy 2010.
Thanks for the reply. Right now the flip is all I have to work with. It seems though that most people use it for youtube and I want it for more than that. I have a few ideas and took your advice to another poster and signed up for withoutabox.com
I want to make a short short to enter into some free film festival.
Can I do that with a flip? It has its own software included with the camera that right now limits me to their titles/music ect and I guess I need a wider range of creativity (if that makes sense). I also want to make a disc.
Search around for festivals that aim at flip cameras or low end budget cameras, you will be surprised to how many there are. In some cases it doesnt matter what the quality of the camera is, you can use it to your advantage by making the story work with it, for example, through the eyes of a phone camera. There was a popular tv ad in the UK that used mobile phone footage, shot very cleverly it was a 'look before crossing the road' public safty advert. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gO9evAjIrrE

Withoutabox is very good indeed but I believe there is always a charge with this is there not? Maybe someone else can clear that up.
I have the pleasure of not seeing product placement - banned in the UK (apart from a rubbish channel called ITV! haha)
Hey you gotta take and run with what you have or in this case, can handle. Both cameras I own right now, a Canon dv and the flip were gifts. One was given to me by the company and the other (Canon) by someone who never took the thing out of the box so to speak.
While the Canon is clearly a better camera it does me no good that I cannot download the little bit of footage I have. When I connect the camera to the computor nothing happens at all, it is as though I am doing NOTHING. Meanwhile the footage I took on this little flip just downloaded in an instant.
Its what I have right now.
the Canon is clearly a better camera it does me no good that I cannot download the little bit of footage I have. When I connect the camera to the computor nothing happens at all, it is as though I am doing NOTHING.

K, sounds like this would be a good thing to fix then. :)

More info, if you please. Camera model, computer specs, editing software, any other relevant details.

Let's see if we can muddle though this. :cool:
Thanks. k, so here it is:
Computor: Hp touchsmart/Windows Vista/Intel Core two
The computor has a slot at the side for cards including SD/SDHC/MS/PRO/XD/MMC. While still photos cards like the SD download right away and are filed right away, the dv SDHC (which is shown as something acceptable on this slot) does not.
Canon Hf 200 came with its own software of which I downloaded and have their own icons. Also installed Sony Vegas that I purchased for 99 dollars hoping this would help. Nothing.

I don't know what else is wrong or needed. The slot does not read the card at all and plugging the camera in makes a rumbling noise then stops.

Meanwhile, why can't it be as easy as this flip video? Last night out of curiosity, I edited together all the crappy bits I filmed and added music and came up with a little story. The images are so so but truly, if I could do with the Canon what I could do with the Flip, I would be able to capture some good stuff in a quality image.
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plugging the camera in makes a rumbling noise then stops.

Well, that sounds... odd. :weird:

Apparently your camera uses the AVCHD format, which a number of other people found tricky at first. Someone mentioned that just a few days ago here.

still photos cards like the SD download right away and are filed right away, the dv SDHC (which is shown as something acceptable on this slot) does not

Are you able to actually navigate onto the dv-card, in Explorer, and see the files on it when the card is inserted in your computer?

Tbh, you'll be better off starting a thread specifically about the problem in the Camera & Lenses sub-section of the forums, where the techy-geeks hang out. Your camera seems pretty popular... once the kinks get worked out.