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Hobbyfilms.net for the Hobbyist

http://www.hobbyfilms.net or http://www.hobbyfilms.com will bring you to my new website that I am creating. I currently have some of my 3D photos and will soon be adding shortfilms that I have or will create.

I believe my blog allows people to post comments, but I will soon be adding a guestbook. The front page is just a temp. I dont like it much, and so I will be creating a new one just as soon as I fill in all of the different areas with films and photos.

Please input and let me know if it works OK. Some of the areas of the website are currently under construction.

good stuff up there, I like the last photo, kind of a ray of hope juxtaposed with the smashed window. I'd like you to let us know when the interface is all worked out and consistant across the site.
knightly said:
good stuff up there, I like the last photo, kind of a ray of hope juxtaposed with the smashed window. I'd like you to let us know when the interface is all worked out and consistant across the site.

cool, thanks for the input. I wish I knew how to use dreamweaver :(. of course its pretty expensive.

I would like to build a flash site but i barely spend time on my animations. Anyone know of a free flash web creator? I was thinking about downloading a template and just manipulate it to work for me. I've seen alot of free ones on the web but again, You have to know how to code in flash/shockwave. I dont know anything about that stuff.
I'm a geek, I use textedit...I'm not much help on the flash front, but could easily teach you to hand code standards compliant HTML :) .
knightly said:
I'm a geek, I use textedit...I'm not much help on the flash front, but could easily teach you to hand code standards compliant HTML :) .

I got a ton of text files on cheaters in HTML.

I made this webpage with Paint Shop Pro. It has a built in table/mouseover coder. In the Slicer section. I just dont like how sliced web pages load. It says it speeds it up by breaking them down into sections but sometimes they bog up a bit.