Hobbit Trailer

I think I like INK better. :rolleyes:


...then I saw the trailer, saw Cate Blanchett, saw Ian Holm, Ian McfreakingKellan, and yeah, you can say I'm looking forward to this now.

I know, I had a similar response to that bit with Blanchett and Mckellan...beautiful. That's probably the biggest hook in that trailer. That bit and the following bit when Gandalf is walking on that ledge. Very cool.

Yeah, seems like a no-brainer to try and see this one in IMAX 3D. It'll be interesting to see how it's turned out.

Guess I'm late to this "meme." I saw this only recently on the facebook, but I love it. It's brilliant


But...Geek System Debunks T-Shirt
Re. Smaug:
Not until the second film, Hobbit Part II, is released.

But all you good Hobbit/Tolkien fans knew that already, right? ;)

Well, definitely then. But will we get glimpses as the dwarves tell the story in bag end (sort of how Gollum was glimpsed early in Fellowship)? Where will they split the movie? It's tough to say because we don't know where the "side stories" fit in.

I think we'll get at least a glimpse in part 1. Smaug is one of the most talked about and anticipated parts of the story. But they'll definitely save the full-reveal payoff for the end. Gotta keep 'em coming back!

Peter Jackson has already trained me well. I'm already looking forward to the 4 hour extended hyper special edition versions (and hoping they keep the same book-like design as the first, as that they'll look nice upon my shelf together).
I am surprised it does not say Lord of the Rings above The Hobbit for the title of the film (for people that don't know that The Hobbit is part of LOR). It is funny to see the comment that guy posted thinking the Hobbit is a ripoff of LOR. Ha Ha...
I can't f'ing wait to see this!

I thought it was being shot at 48fps, not 60fps? Either way, I think it's going to be hyper-realistic in 3D. This is one of those times when I'll be happy to spend $15 on a ticket to see it in 3D at the nearest good theater (which is nearly 2 hours away). Watching the trailer, I can already see where (potentially) the 3D is going to be used to great effect.
Hopefully my local theater will be able to play it correctly and I don't have to go down to the special IMAX which is annoyingly at the horrible tourist trap known as Navy Pier... :/
Navy + Chicago.
Call me slow, but almost three decades ago I went to Navy Corpsman school up the road from there at Great Mistakes.
http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=&daddr=600+East+Grand+Avenue,+Chicago,+IL+60611&hl=enOn the satellite view the "E" shaped building is where we berthed at for a few months.
Spent a lotta time walking down to that small harbour at Mahan & Zeigmier

Saw my first rated R movie while there.


I still like that movie.
Good three act structure.
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Hmmm. Interesting article. I myself am not sure how I'm going to feel about the 48fps thing; as the reaction shows, it really will do a lot to change the "look" of film, and I happen to like that particular look. Plus, in context of the other films, since the Hobbit takes place before, and with a flashback narrative frame, it would make sense if it was softer, or more storybooklike, in terms of image quality. You know, without going all Lucas on the previous trilogy.

On the other hand, it's the frelling HOBBIT and I wouldn't care if it was done as a flipbook in crayon on napkins! I'm way too much of a Tolkien geek!
Yep. There are a lot of sailor types round those parts. :) Although I'm not seeing these landmarks you pointed out on the map. And Mahan and Zeigmier are ringing zero bells.

Did you do much venturing up into the neighborhoods while you were here? The neighborhoods are Chicago's best kept 'secret.'

Try this: EDIT - D@MMIT! Guess I'm too stupid to make the correct link work.
It's 2nd Street, Great Lakes, North Chicago, IL

Nope. No venturing.
While in class we were on a pretty short leash.
Not much time for sight seeing. :)
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Audio for this story from All Things Considered will be available at approx. 7:00 p.m. ET

April 30, 2012
Last week at a trade show, film director Peter Jackson previewed 10 minutes from his upcoming fantasy epic, The Hobbit. The response wasn't exactly glowing. Jackson filmed the movie at 48 frames per second, instead of the standard 24 frames per second and viewers said the film looked too glossy. Audie Cornish speaks with Carolyn Giardina about why Jackson shot the film at a different speed.
Hobbit Trailer #2.


But the quality of the ones posted on youtube doesn't seem so hot. So, I'd recommend watching it on itunes, like Josh originally did for the first trailer.

Trailer #2 on itunes trailers

December 14. Coming up.
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Not knocking the 48fps or the 3D. I wanna see it that way too. Dunno if I'll like the frame rate. But I'm with the rest of you, I wanna see it just to see it...see how it is, see if it works! But, this is pretty fun, even if they're just trying to stir up some drama, so:
