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watch Hilariously Inappropriate Concert Reactions

I was inspired to make this after seeing the first twenty seconds of this video. If you like it, please like, comment, subscribe, share, et cetera et cetera... my goal is to get this to 1,000 views within a week. What do you all think of it?

Ha! Fantastic! I now resolve to shout out a syncopated "what what" at every show I go to. Doubly so because I can't imagine being at a show where it WOULD be appropriate.

Though I did see They Might Be Giants play an Oi style version of "Why Does The Sun Shine" and at an appropriate break I shouted out "oi oi!" The people I was near did not get it (not a lot of TMBG/punk crossover?) I'll never get dirtier looks from a crowd than that!

Very funny stuff! It'd be nice to better isolate the original audio so it could more easily blend with different footage. The original drum beat sorta gives it away!
Yeah, I know it would've sounded much better to isolate her yeah-what-whats, but I'm much better at editing video than audio, and honestly I'd have no idea how to even do that half-assedly.