Hi from Chris, a new guy

Hi everyone. I'm Chris. I decided I like this site enough to join, so here I am.

I'm Australian, in my mid teens, mostly inexperienced in filmmaking, have spent upwards of hundreds of hours learning about it on the internet, and am extremely passionate about the whole deal, particularly the part where you make films. Ask any of my friends, most of them find it annoying.

I'm currently in rehearsal/pre-production on my short film (as in the period before I get equipment to make my 550D usable, and me and my actors ass around and talk about the script). The script still isn't right, but it's close. It's a gangster (kinda sorta) film. As per my style, it's incredibly serious, spontaneously violent, but otherwise very tense, and it's guaranteed my parents won't like it.

I'm not concerned with people stealing it, so I wouldn't mind posting it for some opinions if you'd be so amazing. Not sure if it's appropriate to do so though. Regardless, here it is. Not cool if you do steal it. Please don't.


Two Guns is a working title. If you have any witty ideas for names it wouldn't be hated.

But anyways, if you'd take the time to give it a read I'd greatly appreciate it. I also hope I'm welcome here in your community.

Teen filmmakers unite :D

And you like Pulp Fiction and Tarkovsky, so...I automatically love you.

But seriously, good screenplay. Only thing I didn't like was the dialogue at parts, it sounded too....derivative. Sounds like what a kid would think a big, bad crime boss would say. Plot was good, though. This could make a nice short.

Anyway, welcome, man. I am a little disturbed by the similarities in our avatars, though. :lol:

Also- You have any questions, I'm here bro. :D
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'sup, dude. :cool:

Lots of peeps like reading scripts in the Screenwriting section. It might get missed up here.

Welcome to the site. Sorry I screwed up the avatar theme. :bag:
Thanks folks.

@fernando97echeverria Thanks for the assessment. The dialogue with the boss is unchanged from the second draft, my friend who is playing the part loves it. He thinks he sounds badass. His performance will be corny and hilarious no matter what, so I'm just running with it. I've been picking my battles with the blokes in the cast. It's very fun.

Thanks for the complement. I was worried by random and tri-toned pacing would be a problem, but I've kept to my intuition. Hoping it pays. And hoping the film will end up any good.

Tarkovsky is amazing. I only just discovered him, and have only seen Andrei Rublev and Ivan's Childhood. Both where great. His book, Sculpting In Time, was utterly amazing. Tarantino is of course by default a hero of mine.

@Zensteve God damn it man. That theme was sacred.

I'm posting this over in scripts now. Thanks for the tip.

@justinisfilming Thanks. Good luck with the filming.